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張喬媚; Chang, Chiao-Mei 顏火龍; 國民教育研究所 1999


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 張喬媚; Chang, Chiao-Mei
  • 顏火龍; 國民教育研究所
  • 主題: 國小; 教育; 教師甄選; Elementary School; Education; Teacher selection
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討國小教師甄選制度有關甄選標準、甄選程序、甄選方式等學理基礎,其次在瞭解不同變項的國小教師對於國小教師甄選制度有關甄選標準、甄選程序、甄選方式的意見及其差異情形,最後對我國國小教師甄選制度提出改進建議。 研究方法以問卷調查法為主,以自編「國小教師甄選制度意見調查表」為工具,以高雄市、台南縣市國小教師為母群體,隨機抽取799名為研究對象。分別以次數分配、卡方考驗等統計方法進行資料分析。 根據文獻探討及問卷調查結果,提出下列結論: (一)美、英、日等國甄選制度有其長處。 (二)常見的甄選標準有豐富的學科知識、擁有教育專業知識、多樣的教學方法、善於輔導學生、有效的班級經營、具有溝通表達能力、積極的教育熱忱、良好的人際關係、關懷喜愛學生、持續的專業成長、民主法治的素養、幽默感、情緒穩定、富有責任感、品行端正等。 (三)常見的甄選程序方面則有學校形成人事決策、建立教師甄選標準、成立教師甄選委員會,決定甄選程序與方式,開始進行招募、報名、初試、複試,接著評分、錄取通知、報到等,最後要針對整個甄選過程進行評鑑,作為改進的依據。 (四)常使用的甄選方式有申請表格、背景核對、測驗、面試、試教等,沒有任何甄選方式可單一使用,都有其限制性,必須相互配合。 (五)專業知能及教師個人特質等甄選標準受到認同 (六)不滿意學校自辦教師甄選的居多 (七)除了甄選主辦單位、甄選委員組成外,甄選程序需再改進 (八)甄選方式尚可,唯積分審查計分項目及筆試考試內容則需改進 (九)不同變項的意見差異情形,在甄選程序及方式方面,有著報考者與甄選主辦單位不一致的意見 根據本研究之結論,對我國國小教師甄選制度提出下列建議: 一、對甄選主辦單位的建議 (一)教師甄選標準應專業知能及個人特質並重 (二)甄選資格及條件的規定應兼顧機會公開及學校發展特色為原則 (三)甄選程序的安排應考量各方因素 (四)甄選方式的選擇應更多樣化、適性化 (五)甄選方式的比重應平均分配 (六)考選內容應以教學相關能力為主 (七)適當安排筆試、面試及試教的考試時間 (八)加強筆試、面試、試教等甄選方式的評分客觀性 (九)學校應有健全的教師評鑑制度 (十)學校應慎選教評會委員 二、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)教師甄選由縣市教育局統籌辦理、學校自行辦理雙軌並行 (二)教育局應成立常設的甄選輔導申訴單位 (三)教育局輔導成立「教師甄選服務中心」 (四)現職教師不同縣市遷調仍維持積分調動 (五)教育局輔導區域聯合作業,以辦理甄選相關事務 (六)教育當局訂定甄選辦法大原則時,宜考量多方因素 三、進一步研究之建議 (一)研究對象可擴及台灣區的國小教師、教育局人員、相關教育學者。 (二)研究變項方面,問卷可設計實然面的題目,以瞭解教師甄選實施的現況。 (三)研究工具方面,問卷的編製可透過座談討論的方式完成。 (四)研究方法可配合晤談法、觀察法實施,質量並重。
    The main purpose of the study was (1) to investigate the elementary school teachers’ opinions on teacher selection in Taiwan elementary schools; (2) to provide suggestions as a reference for Taiwan elementary school teacher selection institutions. The study adapted mainly the survey method. The subjects included 799 teachers were selected from the elementary schools in Tainan city, Tainan county and Kaohsiung city via stratified random sampling method. The instrument was “the elementary school teacher selection institution questionnaire”. The data were analyzed by using the statistics of frequency distribution and Chi-Square Test. The main conclusions of this study were as follows: 1.There were many advantages in teacher selection institutions of American, England and Japan. 2.The common teacher selection criteria were 15 items about professional knowledge-skill and personality trait. 3.The common teacher selection process serially included (a) preparing pre-selection activities (ex. planning personnel policy, establishing teacher selection criteria, organizing a search committee, deciding selection process and method), (b) recruiting, (c) registering, (d) conducting the preliminary examination,(e) conducting the second examination, (f) scoring, (g) informing result, (h) making the offer to the selected applicant, and (i) evaluation. 4.The common teacher selection methods were application form, background checks, test, interview, and the teaching simulation. 5. The criteria about professional knowledge-skill and personality trait were considered important. 6. More than half of the respondents disagreed that primary schools hired teachers alone. 7.Except the selecting authorities and the members of selection committee, the teacher selection process was considered to be improved. 8. The teacher selection methods were acceptable, but the scoring terms of application form and the content of test were considered to be improved. 9.There were significant differences in teacher selection process and methods; there were inconsistent opinion between applicants and selecting authorities. Applications for the result of the study and suggestions for policy and future research were also provided, but here were omitted.
  • 建立日期: 1999
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
