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黃淑敏; Huang, Shu-Min 陳麗娟; Lih-Jiuan Chen; 國民教育研究所 1999


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 黃淑敏; Huang, Shu-Min
  • 陳麗娟; Lih-Jiuan Chen; 國民教育研究所
  • 主題: 師院生; 生涯自我效能; 生涯動機; 生涯成熟; teacher college student; career self-efficacy; career motivation; career maturity
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討影響師院生生涯自我效能、生涯動機、生涯成熟的相關因素,以及師院男女生生涯發展的差異情形,綜合研究結果提出建議,以供教育輔導之參考。經文獻探討,擬定影響師院生生涯自我效能、生涯動機、生涯成熟的變項,分為三大因素,一為背景因素,包括性別、年級、科系、社經地位等四個變項;二為心理因素,包括自尊、性別角色、制握信念、工作價值觀等四個變項;三為環境因素,包括父母支持、親友支持、重要他人影響、支持女性工作等四個變項。 本研究使用「職業問卷(一)」、「生涯動機量表」、「生涯成熟量表」、「環境量表」、「制握信念量表」、「自我尊重量表」、「性別角色量表」、「工作價值觀量表」作為研究工具。以九所師範學院的學生為研究對象,採多階段抽樣法,實施問卷調查,計得555位有效樣本。將所得資料以二因子變異數分析、二因子多變量變異數分析、多元逐步迴歸分析、典型相關分析等統計方法進行分析及討論。本研究發現如下: 1.師院生的性別與自尊對其生涯自我效能有顯著交互作用影響。師院生之性別、性別角色、制握信念、父母支持、重要他人影響在生涯自我效能上有顯著差異。 2.師院生之性別與父母支持對生涯動機層面「職業與教育期望」、「生涯定向」、「精熟動機」有顯著交互作用影響。師院生之性別在生涯動機層面「職業與教育期望」、「生涯定向」上有顯著差異,支持女性工作在「精熟動機」上有顯著差異。自尊、性別角色、制握信念、工作價值觀、親友支持在師院生生涯動機層面「職業與教育期望」、「生涯定向」、「精熟動機」上皆有顯著差異。 3.師院生的性別與父母支持、性別與重要他人影響對其生涯成熟皆有顯著交互作用影響。師院生之年級、自尊、性別角色、制握信念、工作價值觀在生涯成熟上有顯著差異。 4.背景、心理和環境因素可有效預測師院生「生涯自我效能」、「職業與教育期望」、「生涯成熟」。心理和環境因素可有效預測師院生之「生涯定向」、「精熟動機」。 5.有四個典型因素可以有效解釋師院生「生涯自我效能」、「職業與教育期望」、「生涯定向」、「精熟動機」、「生涯成熟」的變異情形。 研究者根據研究結果提出建議,以作為師院生生涯教育輔導以及未來研究的參考。
    The main purpose of this study were (1) to investigate the factors affecting on the career self-efficacy, career motivation and career maturity (2) to investigate the difference of the career development between male and female teacher college students (3) to provide suggestions for education and guidance. Three sets of influences- background, psychological and environmental were assumed to affect the career self-efficacy, career motivation and career maturity of teacher college students. Background factors such as gender, grade, major and socioeconomic status. Psychological factors such as self-esteem, sex role, locus of control and work values. Environmental factors such as parents support, relatives support, personal influencers and support for women working. The subjects were 555 teacher college students selected from nine teacher colleges. The instruments used in this study were (1) Occupational Questionnaire(一) (2) Career Motivation Scales (3) Career Maturity Inventory (4) Environment Scales (5) Locus of Control Inventory (6) self-respect Inventory (7) Sex Role Inventory (8) Work Value Inventory. The statistic analysis was performed with two-way ANOVA, two-way MANOVA, stepwise multiple regression and canonical correlation analysis. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.There was significant interaction effect on career self-efficacy among different gender and self-esteem levels of the teacher college students. There were significant differences in career self-efficacy of the different gender, sex role types, locus of control levels, parents support levels, and personal influencers levels of teacher college students. 2. There was significant interaction effect on career/education aspiration, career commitment and mastery motivation among different gender and parents support levels of teacher college students. There were significant differences in career/education aspiration and career commitment between male and female teacher college students. There was significant difference in mastery motivation of different levels of support women for working of teacher college students. There were significant differences in career/education aspiration, career commitment and mastery motivation among different sex role types, work value types, self-esteem levels, locus of control levels and relatives support levels of teacher college students. 3. There were significant interaction effects on career maturity among different gender and parents support levels, gender and personal influencers levels of the teacher college students. There were significant differences in career maturity among different grades, self-esteem levels, sex role types, locus of control levels and work value types of teacher college students. 4. Background, psychological and environmental factors contributed significantly to the prediction of career self-efficacy, career/education aspiration and career maturity of teacher college students. Psychological and environmental factors contributed significantly to the prediction of career commitment and mastery motivation. 5.There were four significant canonical factors between three influence sets and five career variables. Applications for the results of the study and suggestions on implementation of career guidance for teacher college students and future research were also provided.
  • 建立日期: 1999
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
