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洪式合 李建億; 資訊教育研究所 2000


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 洪式合
  • 李建億; 資訊教育研究所
  • 主題: 追蹤系統; 網路學習時間; 網路學習效果
  • 描述: 遠距教學已成為未來重要的趨勢,但教師在實施遠距教學時,通常無法確切地掌握學習者的學習狀態,再則網路上的誘惑很多,一般的學習者較無法專心於學習課程。因此,開發一個能實際監督與了解學習者學習狀態的追蹤系統,便成為在網際網路遠距教學系統中,管理與評估學習效果時不可或缺的重要課題。但是由於現行的追蹤系統均架構在瀏覽器之內,無法跳脫視窗的囹圄,來記錄到其他視窗的學習狀態,以致不能反應出學習者學習歷程的真實性。另外,現行的追蹤系統只限於自行開發的網站上,對於廣大的網際網路來說,作用相當有限。因此,本論文旨在實際發展一套有效的追蹤系統。再者,本論文將採用所發展的系統來記錄研究學童們在網頁課程上的學習歷程。我們以144名國小高年級學生為研究對象,採相關研究法進行研究。研究發現:網路學習歷程記錄中的網路學習時間、相關網頁數量及滑鼠移動次數均與網路學習效果有非常顯著的正相關;狀態列改變次數與網路學習效果也有顯著的正相關。但在網路學習效果的預測方面,只有網路學習時間具有非常顯著的預測效果。
    Distance learning will become a tendency in the near future. However, as rendering distance learning, teachers usually fail to take good command of the situations of trainees‘ learning. Meanwhile, the attractions on Internet keep trainees from being concentrated on learning. Therefore, to establish a tracking system that can actually catch on trainees’ situation has become a subject matter for distance learning. Such a tracking system plays a decisive role of controlling and evaluating the effect on distance learning. However, current tracking systems, which are all constructed inside browsers and confined to window systems, are unable to monitor the learning situation in other windows. Therefore, the actual learning process cannot be revealed. Moreover, current tracking systems are confined to their self-developed websites; as to the vast Internet, the functions of the tracking systems become rather limited. Therefore, the thesis aims to develop a tracking system more suitable as well as more efficient for use. Based on a group of 144 sixth/fifth grade students of primary school, the tracking system of this research is utilized to track the process of students‘ learning on Internet. Method of correlational studies is adopted herein. It proves that the effect on internet learning is significantly and directly correlated to time spent for learning, quantity of related homepage, and number of times for moving mouse, etc., which are overall recorded in trainees’ learning history. Besides, it is also noteworthy that the effect of learning has an important correlation with number of times for changing the status bar. As for prediction of learning effect, time spent for learning is the most evident mark that can predict learning effect.
  • 建立日期: 2000
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
