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黃新峰; Huang, Hsin-feng 姜添輝; Tien-Hui Chiang; 教育學系課程與教學澎湖碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 黃新峰; Huang, Hsin-feng
  • 姜添輝; Tien-Hui Chiang; 教育學系課程與教學澎湖碩士班
  • 主題: 教師價值觀; 教學策略; 學習表現; 新移民子女; teaching strategies; learning achievement; Immigrant children; teacher’s values.
  • 描述: 本研究旨在瞭解當教師在教學現場面對新移民子女時,對其家庭環境屬性與學習表現的覺察,以及產生學習差異成因的解釋,同時探究教師因應新移民子女學習表現之教學策略,並進而剖析教師教學策略背後隱含的價值觀。經由文獻分析後形成四個研究問題:一、了解教師覺知下新移民子女的家庭環境屬性及學習表現。二、探究教師如何解釋造成新移民子女學習表現產生差異的成因。三、分析教師引導新移民子女學習之教學策略。四、剖析教師教學策略背後的價值觀。在研究結果發現上,經二十七次的半結構式訪談,顯示出:一、新移民子女的家庭環境屬性:新移民子女家庭呈現勞動階級的家庭屬性,家庭環境不利子女學習發展,父母呈現威權式的教養態度與管教方式,並抱持短期主義的教育期望與視野。二、新移民子女的學習表現:新移民子女呈現出弱勢的學習表現,語言 能力不佳,並以負面的學習態度面對學校教育,成為學習的抗拒者。三、新移民子女學習表現產生差異的成因:家庭學習資源不足、承襲父母消極的教育價值觀、自身生活經驗狹隘、語言學習刺激不足、課程內容呈現垂直論述且與生活情境脫節、教師教學繁忙、學校強調紙筆評量。四、教師引導新移民子女學習之教學策略:轉化既有的課程內容、採用多元的教學方法、實施正向的班級經營、拓展課外的學習機會。五、教師教學策略背後的價值觀:在教學行為決策上,教師呈現自我本位主義與個人經驗式的教學模式、在課程教材解讀上,教師表現出課程的省思者與轉化者。
    The research is to explore how teachers perceive immigrant children’s family background as well as learning achievement and how teachers explain the reasons for learning differences while facing immigrant children. On the other hand, the research tries to analyze how teachers change teaching strategies according to immigrant children’s learning achievement and the values behind the strategies. The study focus on 4 questions based on literature review. 1. To understand how teacher perceive immigrant children’s family background and learning achievement.2. To explore how teachers explain the reasons for learning differences of immigrant children.3. To analyze the how teachers change teaching strategies according to immigrant children’s learning achievement.4. To analyze the values behind the teaching strategies. The research indicates the following results through 27 semi-structured interviews.1. Immigrant children’s family background: If the children come from working class family, the family background doesn’t make for their learning development. Usually, The parents are disposed to adopt authoritarian parenting style and pay attention to short-term educational expectation. 2. Immigrant children’s learning achievement: The children show low achievement in learning, and they usually take negative attitude towards school education. 3. Reasons for learning differences of immigrant children: The learning resource is not sufficient at home, and the parents’ educational values are passive. Besides, they are lack of lived experience and linguistic stimulus. On the other hand, the curriculum are arranged vertically at school, and school education focuses on paper assessment. All of the factors affect their learning performance. 4. Teacher’s teaching strategies: Teachers could transfer the curriculum, use multiple pedagogies, take a positive attitude in classroom arrangement, and add the opportunities of out-class learning. 5. Values behind the teaching strategies: Teachers shows teaching mode of egotism while deciding the teaching behavior. At the same time, teachers act as the reflectors and transfers of curriculum while interpreting the teaching materials.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
