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許美惠; Hsu, Mei-huei 張清榮; Ching-jung Chang; 國民教育研究所 2002


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 許美惠; Hsu, Mei-huei
  • 張清榮; Ching-jung Chang; 國民教育研究所
  • 主題: 唐代小說; 民間童話; 幻想; fantasy; folk fairy tales; novels of Tang Dynasty
  • 描述: 唐代小說與詩齊名,其最大的特色在於「作意好奇」、「始有意為小說」,即「作者有意識的虛構」,這和民間童話充滿幻想的特質是一致的。所以陳蒲清說:「唐代是中國古代童話創作的繁盛期,這個時期不僅創作的童話數量多,而且藝術走上自覺和成熟,達到了很高的水平。」(《中國本土童話鑑賞》序言,頁4)本文分六章,第一章概論研究旨趣,第二章探討民間童話的特質、定義、分類與表現手法,歸納出民間童話的質素。第三章概述唐代小說的時代背景與發展狀況,並分析唐代小說與民間童話交集之處。然後以此為基準,在第四、五章中分析唐代小說作品中的民間童話質素。為求清晰起見,除依據唐代小說發展狀況,略分四期陳述之外,又分為單篇作品與小說集兩類加以例析。每節最後會將該節所分析之作品,以表列方式圈出其中所含之民間童話質素。第六章結論根據表格所呈現的狀況,歸納唐代小說中出現的民間童話質素,印證唐代小說實為豐富的民間童話寶礦,值得開採。
    The novels hold in very high esteem as the poetry in Tang Dynasty. The main characteristics of the novels of Tang Dynasty lie on「the idea of creating the novel on purpose and out of curiosity」and「starting as a novel on purpose」. That is a fiction created by the authors with consciousness. This is in accordance with the characteristics of fairy tale with fantasy. That is why, Chen, Pu-Ching says,「it was the most prosperous period of time for the creation of Chinese ancient fairy tales in Tang Dynasty. The creation of the novels not only increased in quantity but also reached a very high level of self-consciousness and maturity as an art.」-(Preface:The Critiques of Chinese Folk Fairy Tales, p.4). There are six chapters in this study. Chapter One contains the main interest and purpose of this research. Chapter Two tries to find out the major elements in the novels of the Tang Dynasty from its characteristics, definitions and category as well as the ways of expression. Chapter Three generalizes the background, the development and the situation of the novels in Tang Dynasty. It also analyzes the overlapping between novels and folk fairy tales in Tang Dynasty. There are analyses on the novels of Tang Dynasty based on the findings of the major elements of the folk fairy tales in Chapter Four and Five. In order to draw a clearer picture on the development of the novels of Tang Dynasty, four periods of time were divided for understanding. The single article and the novel are the two types of examples for analysis. In the end of each paragraph, there is a checklist of the major characteristics of the folk fairy tales for each article or novel. In Chapter Six, a conclusion can be drawn on the novels of Tang Dynasty, according to the checklist in Chap. Five, provides a bountiful treasure for the creation of the folk fairy tales and still worthwhile exploring.
  • 建立日期: 2002
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
