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劉建志 郭聰貴; 國民教育研究所 2002


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 劉建志
  • 郭聰貴; 國民教育研究所
  • 主題: 國小教育人員; 教師職級制度
  • 描述: 國小教育人員對實施教師職級制度意見之研究 中文摘要 本研究旨在探討國小教師職級制度相關之理論,並分析美、日、中國大陸實施之現況,其次在了解國小教育人員對實施教師職級制度之意見及其差異情形,並對我國未來實施教師職級制度提供建議。 本研究採用文獻分析法、問卷調查法及半結構式訪談等方法進行研究,以南部五縣市(台南縣、台南市、高雄縣、高雄市及屏東縣)國小教育人員為母群體,採取分層隨機抽樣方式抽取696位國小教育人員進行問卷調查,並立意抽取10位國小教育人員接受訪談。以自編之「國民小學實施教師職級制度調查問卷」與「國民小學實施教師職級制度半結構式訪談大綱」為研究工具,所得資料利用百分比次數分配及卡方考驗統計方法加以分析。 根據研究結果,得到下列結論: 一、國小教育人員同意實施教師職級制度可以使教師工作更認真,增進教學效能,更可提昇教師專業形象。 二、國小教育人員同意實施教師職級制度可以促使教師生涯發展及提供另一種升遷的機會。 三、國小教育人員同意對於優秀教師可免除升級的基本門檻;並認為實施教師職級制度對年資輕的老師有鼓勵作用。 四、國小教育人員同意實施教師職級制度時,各職級時不需有人數比例限制及各個職級證書應有有效年限規定。 五、國小教育人員同意實施教師職級制度會對教師工作產生壓力,對於不適任教師可予以降級或淘汰。 六、國小教育人員不同意實施教師職級制度會使校園更和諧,且認為會使得家長更重視教師等級。 七、現職教師宜自由參加教師職級制度,同時應給予相當的職級再實施。 八、國小教育人員對實施教師職級制度的認同頗高。 根據上述結論,提出以下建議: 一、對教育行政主管機關的建議: 1.多舉辦教師職級公聽會,聽取多方意見。 2.制定教師職級制度的法律條文。 3.徵求試辦學校或縣市以求示範效果。 4.成立專門審查委員會辦理教師晉級審查。 5.縮短晉級年限,以增進教師意願。 6.制定中性職級名稱。 7.防範實施教師職級制度弊端。 8.妥善處理現職教師分級的程序。 9.規劃四類教師職級。 10.建立多元化標準的升級標準。 11.各職級不應有人數比例限制。 二、對國小教育人員的建議: 1.不斷自我充實進修,提升專業形象及增進教學效能。 2.規劃個人生涯發展,避免對教師職級制度抱持負面看法。 關鍵詞:國小教育人員、教師職級制度
    A Study of the Opinions of Elementary School Educational Personnel on the Teacher Career Ladder Program Abstract The main purposes of this study were (1) to explore the relevant theories of teacher career ladder program; (2) to analyze the present conditions of the teacher career ladder program in the U.S.A., Japan and Mainland China; (3) to investigate the opinions of elementary school educational personnel on teacher career ladder program; (4) to provide some suggestions for implementing the program in the future. This study had methodologically adopted document analysis, questionnaire survey and semi-structured interview. The subjects including 696 elementary school educational personnel were selected from elementary schools in Tainan city, Tainan county, Kaohsiung city, Kaohsiung county and Pingtung county via random sampling based upon different levels and 10 elementary school educational personnel were selected for interviews. The data were analyzed by using the statistics of frequency distribution and Chi-Square Test. The main conclusions of this study were as follows: 1.The elementary school educational personnel agreed that teacher career ladder program makes teacher work more hard, improves teacher’s teaching effectiveness, and promotes teacher’s professional figure. 2.The elementary school educational personnel agreed that teacher career ladder program will help teacher career development and provides promotion opportunities. 3.The elementary school educational personnel agreed that teacher career ladder program encourages young teacher, especially there is exemption on the promotion for excellent teacher. 4.The elementary school educational personnel agreed that it is not necessary to have a limit of people number on each stage. Further more, the certification of teacher career ladder must have a limit of year. 5.The elementary school educational personnel agreed that teacher career ladder program gives teacher pressure and punishes inappropriate teachers. 6.The elementary school educational personnel disagreed that teacher career ladder program will make campus more harmonious, and agreed that the parents will pay more attention on the level of the teacher. 7.In-service teacher attending teacher career ladder program should be based upon their free choice and provide certain level before they attend the program. 8.The elementary school educational personnel highly agreed with the teacher career ladder program. According to above conclusions, the suggestions were as follows: 1.Suggestions to the education administration authority: (1)To hold public meeting to collect opinions. (2)To provide a legal foundation for teacher career ladder program. (3)To invite some schools to do good demonstration. (4)To establish a review committee to review teachers promotion. (5)To reduce the required seniority for advancing to a higher stage. (6)To provide neutral title of teacher career ladder program. (7)To avoid the disadvantages of teacher career ladder program. (8)To operate properly on the in-service teacher. (9)To make a 4 stage system of teacher career ladder. (10)To create a diversified standard of teacher promotion (11)To have no limit of people number on the teacher career ladder program. 2.Suggestions to elementary school educational personnel: (1)To promote professional figure and improve teaching effectiveness always. (2)To make a suitable plan for career development. Key Words: elementary school educational personnel teacher career ladder program
  • 建立日期: 2002
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
