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周生民; Chou, Shen-Ming 郭聰貴; none; 教育經營與管理研究所 2002


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 周生民; Chou, Shen-Ming
  • 郭聰貴; none; 教育經營與管理研究所
  • 主題: 國民小學; 學校選擇權; 教育選擇權; 家長教育選擇權; 越區就讀; elementary school; educational voucher; school choice; educational choice; parent’s educational choice; cross district schooling
  • 描述: 中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解台南市國小學童越區就讀之現況、家長為學生選擇學校之動機及瞭解學校辦學情形之方式和越區就讀學生、家長、級任導師、行政人員對越區就讀的看法,並根據研究結果提出若干建議,以供教育行政機關、學校及家長之參考。 本研究透過問卷調查法及半結構式訪談來進行研究,以自編之「台南市國小學童越區就讀及其相關問題調查問卷」為工具,問卷調查係以台南市四所公立國民小學之越區就讀學生及其家長、級任導師為對象,學生及其家長各850人,級任導師67人,回收有效問卷學生735份,家長707份,級任導師61份。所得資料以百分比次數分配及卡方考驗等統計方法進行分析。 根據研究結果,獲得主要結論如下:一、大多數的學生是從一年級開始越區就讀旳。二、大多數的學生是每天花15分鐘以內的時間,搭乘汽機車上放學,並且不以為苦。三、多數的學生自願越區就讀,並且對自己的表現感到滿意。四、多數的學生能準時離校,並且安排有其他課程及活動,但回家後較少和鄰居的小朋友來往。五、家長為其子女選擇越區就讀的主要考慮因素,會因教育程度之不同而有差異。六、家長將「為未來升學作準備」列為選擇越區就讀考慮因素的看法,會因教育程度之不同而有差異。七、學校的校風及傳統是家長為子女選擇越區就讀時最主要的考慮因素。八、家長瞭解學校辦學情形的方式,會因教育程度之不同而有差異。九、家長瞭解學校辦學情形的方式與為其子女選擇越區就讀的主要考慮因素,不會因家庭收入之不同而有差異。十、實際參觀學校是家長瞭解學校辦學情形最主要的方式。十一、對於子女上放學的安全、交通問題以及全家的生活作息,多數家長均不認為有很大的影響。十二、多數的老師不認為越區就讀的學生表現得比學區學生更好。十三、多數的老師不認為越區就讀的學生家長配合度比學區的學生家長更高。十四、大多數的家長和學生贊成學生越區就讀,而有過半的級任導師師不贊成越區就讀。根據上述結論,茲提出下列建議。一、對教育行政機關的建議(一)重新檢討現行學區編配,擴大入學學區範圍,以提供家長多元的學校選擇機會。(二)建立健全的評鑑制度,提供學校教育改革的誘因。(三)實施總量管制,力求公平公正招生。(四)教育資源分配應力求均衡,以齊一各校的軟硬體設備。二、對學校的建議(一)利用各種管道,有效地進行學校行銷及形象管理。 (二)落實學校本位管理,發展學校辦學特色。 (三)提供社區融入機會,鼓勵家長參與校務。三、對家長的建議(一)關心校務,協助學校發展。(二)主動參與學校的活動,收集各校的訊息,做好選校的準備。(三)選擇對子女最適合的學校就讀,而不要一味地追逐明星學校。
    Abstract The main purposes of this study were to (1) understand the current situation of cross district schooling in Tainan City, (2) explore parents’ motives of choosing school and the ways to understand how the school works, (3) investigate the opinions of the students, parents, home room teachers and administrators on the issue of cross district schooling, (4) offer some suggestions for educational administrative institutions, schools, and parents. This study had methodologically adopted questionnaire survey and semi-structured interview. A self-designed questionnaire, “A Study of Cross District Schooling and the Related Problems of Elementary School in Tainan City “, was used as an instrument. This study was carried out in 4 public elementary schools in Tainan City. The subjects were students who attended school in another school district, their parents and their home room teachers. Questionnaires were handed out to the 850 students, 850 parents and 67 home room teachers. As a result, 735 students, 707 parents and 61 teachers were valid. Data were analyzed by using statistics of frequency distribution and Chi-square Test.Based on the result, the main conclusions were as follows:1.Most students spent 15 minutes on the road to school by car or motorcycle and they felt ok with it.2.Most students who attended school in another school district were out of their free will, while they were satisfied with their performances in school.3.Most students could leave school on time and arranged extracurricular activities after class. However, they seldom had any contact with their neighbors.4.The main factor that parents concerned when they selected schools for their children could be varied due to their own educational background.5.Under the influence of parents’ educational background, “Preparation for further education” was one of the aspects taken into consideration of choosing school. 6.The school spirit or tradition was the major concern that parents had in mind when they chose schools.7.Parents’ educational background could affect the ways they use to understand how the school worked. 8.The difference of the family income had no effect on the ways that parents use to understand how the school worked and the main factors that they concerned for choosing schools. 9.Visiting schools was the main way for parents to acquaint themselves with school affairs.10.Most parents didn’t think that cross district schooling had any problems on children’s safety after school, transportation or daily schedule for the family. 11.Most of the teachers did not think that students who studied in another school district performed better than the others.12.Most of the teachers did not think that parents who had children studying in another school district co-operated better than the others.13.Most parents and students approved of cross district schooling. However, over half of the home room teachers disapproved.According to the above conclusions, this study offered the following suggestions: 1.To the educational administrative institutionsa. Rearrange the current school-district distribution; expand the range in order to provide multiple choices of schools for parents.b. Establish a completed evaluation system which could lead the school reform.c. Implement the total quantity control for fair student recruiting. d. Distribute the educational resources fairly to equalize the hardware and software facilities of each school. 2.To schoolsa. Use different channels for school marketing and image management effectively.b. Carry out school-based management and develop its distinguishing feature.c. Give opportunities for community participation and encourage parents to take parts in school affairs. 3.To parentsa. Concern about school affairs and assist school development. b. Actively participate in school activities, collect information of schools and be ready for making school choice.c. In stead of going with the crowd choosing over some famous schools, pick the most suitable one for children.
  • 建立日期: 2002
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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