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陳美倫; Chen, Mei-Lun 王萬清; 教師在職進修輔導教學碩士學位班 2002


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳美倫; Chen, Mei-Lun
  • 王萬清; 教師在職進修輔導教學碩士學位班
  • 主題: 多元文化諮商; 原住民兒童; 偷竊; 輔導; 改變歷程; 價值觀; 紮根理論
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討多元文化諮商對兒童偷竊行為輔導的改變歷程。由研究者擔任諮商員,進行一位國小五年級、有長期偷竊行為兒童的個別諮商。諮商過程加以錄音,並轉錄為文字稿,以紮根理論對諮商歷程資料進行個案分析。研究結果發現如下: (一)個案偷竊行為的發生與環境、觀念、情境和人格等因素有關,諮商過程中個案觀念中的價值觀、金錢觀、物權觀和法律觀皆有所改變歷或建立,而情境誘因也由於被竊者的防範而杜絕。偷竊和偷竊被察覺後的感覺和行為因素與偷竊行為的持續與否有關。個案偷竊時隨偷竊次數的增加而愈來愈不害怕,偷竊後表現若無其事,且因贓款的立即增強而食髓知味,迅速將錢花光並進行下一次偷竊;直到偷竊被察覺後始不再發生偷竊行為。 (二)個案在諮商過程中,其與感覺有關的諮商經驗呈現正向、非正向和曖昧不明的感覺三種;與行為有關的諮商經驗則可分析出正向、非正向和曖昧不明的行為三種,其中非正向行為則呈現否認與隔離、壓抑與阻擋、抗拒與延宕、退化,以及投射與擬投射五類行為。個案與認知有關的諮商經驗則呈現領悟與修通、與事實不符的陳述和前後不一致的陳述三種。 (三)諮商員的多元文化諮商能力可朝以下五個方向努力:1.敏覺自己與個案的價值觀,及其間的差異;2.敏覺自己與個案的價值觀,及其影響諮商的方式;3.針對個案運用適切的溝通技巧及介入策略;4.教導當事人了解諮商目標、權利和諮商員的取向等,及其個人的法律權利;5.了解諮商取向與多元文化價值的衝突、接受自己能力限制並請教專家。其中諮商員尤應在第1.2.兩項特別加強。 本研究就前述研究結果加以討論,並提出實務與後續研究上的建議。
    The purpose of this research was to explore the ways in which multicultural counseling and therapy altered a young person’s attitude toward stealing. Here, the researcher also played the role of the counselor. A fifth-grade boy who had a long history of stealing behavior was given a total of fourteen counseling sessions. These sessions were tape recorded and transcribed for further analyses using grounded theory. Case study was utilized to document the changes in the subject’s behavior while he underwent counseling and therapy. The results of our study could be summarized as follows. The reason why the subject under study had engaged in stealing behavior in the past could be traced to a multitude of factors stemming from the subject’s personality and his sense of values as shaped by the environment and the circumstances under which he grew up. During the counseling process, researcher discovered that the subject’s sense of values as well as his views towards money, property right, and the law were fundamentally changed or re-constructed. An effective deterrence was found in the case where the subject’s potential victims began to protect their money more carefully, so that stealing as a way of obtaining “easy money” became a less attractive avenue for the subject. The more the subject engaged in the act of stealing, the more hardened he became. Stealing became routine, and the subject pretended that nothing had happened after each criminal act. Reinforced by the monetary gains from stealing, the subject stole repeatedly. He spent all of the stolen money quickly and committed theft again. Only his arrest by the authorities finally put an end to this vicious cycle. During counseling, the subject showed three types of feelings: positive, non-positive and ambiguous feelings. The subject’s behavior could also be categorized into three types: positive, non-positive and ambiguous behaviors. The non-positive behaviors included denial and isolation, suppression and isolation, resistance and delay, regression, projection, and quasi-projection. The subject showed three types of cognition: insight and work through, inconsistent description of the truth, and inconsistent description of now and before. Upon reevaluation, there were five areas in which the counselor could improve with respect to the way she conducted the multicultural counseling and therapy. First of all, the counselor should be aware of the differences in values between herself and the subject. Second, the counselor should be aware that her own values affected the counseling process. Third, the counselor should thrive to engage in more effective communication and to provide intervention strategies. Fourth, the counselor should take the responsibility of educating the subject, so that he would have a more reasonable expectation of the goals of counseling as well as a better understanding of the counselor’s orientations and the subject’s legal rights. Fifth, the counselor should be more sensitive to the conflicts between the counseling approaches and the multicultural values and should recognize the limits of their competence and expertise; she should be willing to refer out to more experienced counselors when necessary. In particular, the counselor should put more emphasis on improving the first two areas, as discussed above. The details of the results were discussed, the suggestions for further research and the implications for counseling practices were proposed.
  • 建立日期: 2002
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
