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賴彥睿; Lay, Yan-Ruey 孫光天; KOUN-TEM SUN; 資訊教育研究所碩士班 2002


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 賴彥睿; Lay, Yan-Ruey
  • 孫光天; KOUN-TEM SUN; 資訊教育研究所碩士班
  • 主題: 電腦輔助教學; 網路虛擬實驗室; 學習型態; 模糊規則推論; Computer assisted instruction; Virtual-lab; Learning style; Fuzzy inference rules
  • 描述: 對於自然科學教育而言,理論及實驗兩者是互補的,前者乃是建立正式的觀念架構,後者是幫助學習者發展直覺的動作行為,然而真實的實驗並非可以使學生隨時隨地的使用並學習而限制了真正在實驗室實驗的次數,也因此大大減少了學生學習的機會。而隨著網際網路的普遍和網頁設計風潮的流行,網路教室和網頁教材將成為一般人上網學習的主要管道,如果能將自然科學與網路模擬實驗室相結合,發展出可以在網際網路上使用的教學系統,對學生的教材學習、電腦操作和網路的使用都帶給學生很大的幫助,本研究於是設計一套網路上的國小自然科虛擬實驗室的系統,可讓學生於網路上隨時隨地的使用系統學習,而本系統可以完全紀錄學生操作實驗之所有動作,所以可以分析使用本系統之學生在網路上學習的學習型態,以利日後老師教學參考之用。本研究定義了五種學習型態:按部就班型、直覺型、直線型、V型與倒V型,先將學生的操作程序利用規則分為數個Block,再利用模糊規則庫,將數個Block分類不同的學習型態,最後再全部合起來為全部的學習型態。為了驗證本系統是否有達到良好的學習成效即良好的分類效能,也進一步的進行實地教學研究,將新興國小五年級班級隨機抽取兩班隨機分派為實驗組及控制組,共66位學生參與實驗,實驗組為電腦教學而控制組為傳統教室教學。根據研究結果顯示,教學環境對學生成就沒有顯著差異,男女性別對學習成就沒有顯著差異,不同學習型態對學生成就也沒有顯著差異。而系統分類與問卷分類是有達到顯著差異的。最後根據研究顯示大多數的實驗組學生表示此學習系統是有趣並想要再次使用本系統學習,這也是研究者所樂見的。
    In natural science, the theory and the experiment are complementary, the theory can construct the correct knowledge and the experiment can help students to learn the operations, each provides what the other needs. But students can not do experiment any where and any time they want, this reduces the opportunity of learning experiment.Following the development of computer network technology, the class in network is more and more popular. If there is a laboratory in the Internet, students can operate the computer to learn the experiment in the Internet. It is useful to the students. So we develop a virtual-lab in Internet, students can learn the experiment by using this system any where and any time. This system also can record the every operations of learner, then the system use these records to classify the learning style of this learner. In this research, we used the fuzzy rule base to classify the learning styles.There are 66 Grade 5 students sampled from Xin Xing elementary school, these students were grouped by different teaching method, one is using our system to learn, and the other is using the traditional method. The results of experiment showed that the different learning environment did not reach a significant level, the different sex did not reach a significant level, and the different learning type did not reach a significant level, too. But the classification results by different method did reach a significant level.According to the results, most students think this system is useful and entertaining, they also want learn it again by using our system.
  • 建立日期: 2002
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


  • 查詢:
  • scope:("NUTN"),scope:(NUTN_ALEPH),scope:(NUTN_IR),scope:(NUTN_SFX),primo_central_multiple_fe
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