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許瀞方; Ching-Fang, Hsu 林進材;黃政傑; Jinny-tsair, Lin;Jeng-Jye, Hwang; 初等教育學系課程與教學碩士班 2003


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 許瀞方; Ching-Fang, Hsu
  • 林進材; 黃政傑; Jinny-tsair, Lin; Jeng-Jye, Hwang; 初等教育學系課程與教學碩士班
  • 主題: 數學領域課程; 數學課程; 課程實施; mathematics curriculum; mathematics curriculum; curriculum implementation
  • 描述: 本研究旨在瞭解個案學校數學領域課程實施之背景與內涵,探討個案學校數學領域課程實施之策略、影響因素,分析個案學校數學領域課程實施之成效與問題,期供後續國民中學推動數學領域課程實施以及數學領域課程改革之參考。 本研究在質化研究取向下,採個案研究方法,並以台南、高雄等縣市之三所公立國中為研究對象,經由觀察、訪談以及相關文件蒐集等方式,以獲取各種資料。根據資料分析與研究結果討論,歸納出結論:學校學區未必對課程實施造成限制;教務主任課程實施理念與教育改革理念存在著落差;學校課程發展委員會與數學領域課程小組運作機制已啟動;教科書仍為課程實施主軸,學校本位課程成為配角;數學教師普遍缺乏實施跨領域主題統整課程之意願;學校評鑑機制僅針對於教師層級課程實施;數學教師專業成長皆以學校本位為取向;學校積極經營數理資優適性課程為學校特色;學校先前課程試辦經驗提供課程發展能力;學校以融入方式實施數學領域銜接課程;數學教師傾向自行尋求教學資源;開放教科書使用對各學校產生不同的影響;升學考試對課程實施極具影響力與交錯影響性;計畫、實施與評鑑等階段無法並重,降低實施成效;學校層級與教師層級溝通對提昇課程實施成效有其必要性;課程實施需兼具形式與實質。 最後基於本研究之結論,針對個案學校、其他國民中學以及後續數學領域課程改革者,分別提出有關數學領域課程實施之建議。
    The purpose of this study is to explore the relevant issues of the mathematics curriculum implementation in three junior high school. It includes the background of the mathematics curriculum implementation, the content of the mathematics curriculum implementation, the strategies of the mathematics curriculum implementation, the influences of the mathematics curriculum implementation, the problems and effects of the mathematics curriculum implementation. Under the qualitative research approach, three junior high schools was chosen to be the research subject, and observation, interview and documents analysis are conducted to collect data. According to the data analysis and discussion, the results were synthesized. School locality does not necessary affect the limitation of curriculum; A gap exists between the policies of the Education Minister and implementation by local educators; The School Curriculum Development Committee and the Math Development Group have begun their pilot project; Textbook is still the main curriculum axis, however local schools may provide additional supplement material; In general, math teachers lack the willingness to teach beyond the standard curriculum; School certified mechanism solely focus on their performance in teaching the curriculum and no other factors; Teacher development is organized in tandem with the individual school’s future plan; Aggressively managing the math curriculum in order to promote students math abilities, it will make the school specialize in the math curriculum only; Prior pre-performance in curriculum experience supports the teacher’s ability to develop this new curriculum; Using co-joining approach to connect new one curriculum in math is a desired method; Teachers intend to search for teaching resources by themselves; Opening the textbook market has produced different results for different schools; High school entrance examination is very important and influential on the junior high school curriculum; Planning, implementation and certification can not function cooperatively and their imbalance will minimize the practical effects of new curriculum; When implementing new curriculum, it is necessary to promote cooperation and communication between school administrator and teachers in order to increase the curriculum effectiveness; The curriculums must emphasize both quantity and quality. Finally, several suggestions were made in this study for reference.
  • 建立日期: 2003
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
