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李新華; Lee, Hsin-hua 汪中文; CHUNG-WEN WANG; 國民教育所國語文教育學教學碩士班 2003


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 李新華; Lee, Hsin-hua
  • 汪中文; CHUNG-WEN WANG; 國民教育所國語文教育學教學碩士班
  • 主題: 曾國藩; 教育思想; educational idea; Zeng Guo Fan
  • 描述: 曾國藩生於清朝嘉慶十六年(1811),逝於同治十一年(1872),享年六十二歲,其一生事功輝煌,身兼文學家、軍事家、實學家等數職,堪為一代之能人。其教育子弟之《家書》,於當時成為治家訓子之範本。不僅如此,其中之教育思想和精神,對於現在教育思潮之發展,呈現許多的啟示及意義,故曾國藩亦可謂為一位成功之教育思想家。本文旨在研究曾國藩之教育思想內容,於第貳章先略述曾國藩家世及生平,由此瞭解曾國藩教育思想淵源之所在,以期能更貼切曾國藩教育思想之精隨。並於後分章探析曾國藩之教育思想內容,經條列整理曾國藩的《家書》和《日記》,將其教育思想分第參章「家庭教育」,以祖訓、家規等教條為研究題材,強調其確保家道興旺,綿延不絕之用心。第肆章研究其「生活教育」,主要在指導子弟生活知識和技能,使其於生活之中能自立自強、自食其力,且重視生活作息正常,以維持「身、心」健康的養生之道。第伍章在呈現其「人格教育」的主張,重點在培訓子弟德性行止之修養,及待人接物誠信圓融之態度,以達到儒家「民胞物與之量,內聖外王之志」為其目標。第陸章以「治學教育」為重點,教導子弟讀書治學之態度、方法,及詩文創作的主張和作法,末節並言及書法學習之途徑。最後,第柒章結論,歸納曾國藩教育思想內容,得諸曾國藩教育思想之特色,及對現代教育之啟示及影響,以為本文之研究結果,提供教學者和為人父母者一個參考和借鏡。
    Zeng Guo Fan was born in the 16th year of Jia Qing in Chin Dynasty (1811), and passed away in the 11th year of Tong Zhi (1872) as he was 62 years old. He made numerous achievements and took on lots of roles including a militarist, a realist, and a man of letters. His published book, “Compiled Family Letters” really set up an example for all the other family teaching at that time. Moreover, his spirit and idea brought a great effect to the modern times and thus made him an Educationalist. The thesis aims to study the content inside Mr. Zeng’s idea on education, therefore, his life has to be fully examined. In Chapter Two of the thesis, there’ll be a brief summary of his background and life and also a closer look at the motivation of Mr. Zeng’s educational idea. He was not didactic and tried to nurture the offspring through his two books--“ Compiled Family Letters” and “ Diary”. After analysis of these two books, his idea on education would be discussed further in the following chapters. Chapter 3 discusses Family Education. Mr. Zeng’s training based on the doctrines of the ancestors in which would help their offspring to last family linear and maintained the family fortune. In Chapter 4 the education of life was the main issue. Mr. Zeng would teach his children life knowledge and skills and hoped them to become independent and maintain a healthy way of life, that is, to balance between body and mind. Chapter 5 focuses on Moral teaching. The self-cultivation is critical in the main course of training. He emphasized on the attitude to treat every man and creature with honesty and harmony in order to accomplish the goal of “ to stand on the same side with his own folks and to embrace the great vision inside oneself”. In chapter 6 deals with his idea on academic studies. He instructed his children how to study and what to study, and the way to compose the poems and compositions, and the last thing, the calligraphy. Finally, the last Chapter concludes that all the content of Mr. Zeng’s idea on education comes out of his special thought and make a great effect for the modern education. What’s more, hopefully this would also serve as a great teaching material and reference for all the teachers and parents.
  • 建立日期: 2003
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
