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陳冠明; Chen, Kuan-ming 陳一峰; I-Feng Chen; 社會科教育學系碩士班 2005


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳冠明; Chen, Kuan-ming
  • 陳一峰; I-Feng Chen; 社會科教育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 命理; 洛書; 陰陽五行; 河圖; 五行; 陰陽; 墨經; 淮南子; 春秋繁露; 易經; 象數; 類比; 律曆; 干支; 宇宙論; 符號; 內經; Yin Yan and Five Elements
  • 描述: 古老的中國文化體系中,對於宇宙的認識,是由形上思想的「道」之本根出發,自然哲學家們為說明宇宙生成的模式,將形上思想抽象概念的道以陰陽符號系統類比分析,因此易經中的陰與陽代表了陽陰符號,並演化四象、八卦至六十四卦,利用卦象、爻象說明宇宙、氣候、人事等自然與人類活動的意義。自然哲學家在對物質實體世界的長期觀察後,發現物質間有物理性或化學性的生與剋原理,此原理可用「金木水火土」五行來運行(作用),。在天人合一的思維下,天、地、人皆為氣化宇宙的一部分,故為同類,同類可氣動,可感應,因此在取象類比的思維下,將萬物以「五行符號」相類比,而萬物又有陰陽二類屬性,即是陰陽符號代表「氣化宇宙論」的思想,而「五行類比法則」將萬物歸納成五大類。因此整部中國文化思想,幾乎可以說是以陰陽與金、木、水、火、土符號建構神話、宗教、藝術、政治、歷史,其影響了生活活動的所有方式。此一符號系統的意義可包含所有的實體世界與精神,當此符號系統的精神成為一種指導原則時,它即框架了所有的人事活動,使人無法不受其左右,即使不相信此符號系統之人,亦在無形中受其擺佈,因它已成為文化生活的一部分。陰陽五行思想體系在於架構宇宙之「時間」與「空間」,並使其「符號化」思考。以陰、陽、金、木、水、火、土等符號再相配與甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸十干符號,及子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥十二支符號,以作為「時間概念」;以東、西、南、北、中、天(日、月、星宿)、地(九州、九野),作為「空間概念」;並將所有符號框架在陰陽五行思想中,以其建構出的「生剋原理」作用,以作為解釋萬物的消長生剋道理。本文研究首先探討陰陽五行的宇宙理論下的天人合一思維和思想脈絡,其次藉由思想衍變彙整出系統理論、推算方法,最後討論其實用價值,尤其在醫學、數術、命理、天文、曆法上的成就。陰陽五行學說總結了中國古代巫術、宗教與人文思想,在其理論形成的過程中,汲取當時在易學、哲學、醫學、文學、天文、曆算……等各方面的研究成果,成功匯集成一龐大的理論體系。本研究命題即在探究其思想發展,及其所建構的運行原理又為何?其原理的「推算法則」是如何進行?研究文本內容則以《內經》醫理、周易、河洛象數、命理數術為中心探討,並輔以《詩經》《尚書》《大戴禮記》《儀禮》《國語》《墨子》《管子》《呂氏春秋》《春秋繁露》《淮南子》等典籍,分析其與陰陽五行說的關係,及其所形成的思想理論,並嘗試分析及建構出完整的陰陽五行系統理論體系。
    In the cultural system of ancient China, the understanding of the universe is rooted on “Tao” of metaphysical ideology. To describe the pattern of creation of the universe, the natural philosophers analogically analyze the abstract concept of Tao of metaphysical ideology with Yin-Yan symbol system. Therefore, Yin and Yan represents Yin and Yan respectively in the ”Yi-Ji”, and by such two symbols the Four Images, Eight Trigrams, and Sixty Four Trigrams are evolved. Using these trigrams and lines, the meanings of natural and human activities in the universe, climate, and mankind’s affairs may be explained. After observation on substance and physical world over a long period of time natural philosophers discover physical and chemical mutual promotion and constrain principles among materials. Such principles may function with the Five Elements of “Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth”.In the theory that man is an integral part of nature, sky, earth, and mankind are all parts of the universe of "Ci", and they are therefore of the same kind. One same kind may interact and sense with each other by" Ci". In such symbolic analog idea, everything in the universe is compared with the “symbols of the Five Elements”. Everything in the world may also be divided into Yin and Yan. Yan-Yan symbols represent the “Theory of Universe of "Ci" ”, and the “Five Elements Analogy” generalizes all things into five major categories. Therefore, it may be concluded that the entire thinking of Chinese culture constructs its mythology, religion, arts, politics, and history with the symbols of Yin- Yan and Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth; they influence all forms of life and activity. The meaning of such symbol system may include all physical world and spiritual world. When the spirit of such symbol system becomes a guideline, it defines a framework for all human activities that mankind is inevitably influenced. Even people not accepting this symbolic system are influenced without realizing, because it has become part of the cultural life.The system of Yin-Yan and Five Elements ideology constructs the “time” and “space” of the universe, and “symbolize” its ideology. The Concept of Time is constructed by symbols of Yin, Yan, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth with associations of the Ten Heavenly Stems (Jia, Yi, Bin, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Sin, Ren, Kuei) and the Twelve Earthly Branches (Zih, Chou, Ying, Mao, Chen, Sih, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai). The Concept of Space is constructed by East, West, South, North, Central, Heaven (Sun, Moon, Stars) and Earth (nine states and nine lands). All symbols are defined within the ideology of Yin-Yan and Five Elements. The functions of mutual promotion and mutual restraint are used to explain the reasons of decline and growth, promotion and restrain for everything.This research aims to discover its development of ideology, the operational principles that it constructs, and the process of inference method from the principles. Discussions in this research are primarily based on medicine theory in “Classic of Internal Medicine”, “Chou Yi”, He Luo divination, and fortune-telling calculation. Supporting literature covered in this research also includes such classics as “The Book of Poetry”, “The Book of History”, “Da Dai Liji”, “The Rites of Literati”, “The Conversations of the State”, “Mo-zi”, “Guan-zi”, “Lyu''s Annals of Spring and Autumn”, “Luxurious Dew of the Spring and Autumn”, and “Huainanzi”. This research analyzes these books’ relationship with Yin-Yan and Five Elements and ideology theory they develop, and attempts to analyze and construct a complete theoretical system of the Yin-Yan and Five Elements system.
  • 建立日期: 2005
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
