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鄭雅娟; Cheng, Ya-chuan 姜麗娟; none; 教育經營與管理研究所 2005


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 鄭雅娟; Cheng, Ya-chuan
  • 姜麗娟; none; 教育經營與管理研究所
  • 主題: 英語教育; 小學英語教育政策; 比較研究; comparative study; primary English education policy; English education
  • 描述: 本研究主要針對台灣與香港的小學英語教育政策進行分析,並歸納結論,提供我國小學英語教育政策未來發展之建議。對於台灣與香港小學英語教育政策的探索要項,主要涵蓋兩地的政經人文社教背景、影響小學英語教育政策制定的因素、小學英語教育政策的演變、政策的內容與實施的相關議題等。 本研究採比較研究法,進行台灣與香港兩地小學英語教育政策的比較。本研究歸納之結論如下: 1)台灣除了中央的教育部,地方縣市也會自訂小學英語教育政策。香港的政策制定與諮詢機構並行,諮詢機構也極具影響力; 2)兩地皆於2004年公佈新修訂的小學英語課程綱要,台灣以聽說為主,香港聽說讀寫並重; 3)兩地皆訂定更嚴格師資標準,惟兩地教師獲取資格的途徑不同。外籍師資引進政策,同樣面對龐大經費與反對聲音,香港較積極,台灣較緩慢; 4)香港有全面性的英語學科測驗,台灣中央尚未實施,惟部分縣市卻已開始實施; 5)港府推動「兩文三語」的語言政策,台灣也有類似的語言模式。兩地皆重視小學英語教育,台灣的小學英語教育目前積極向下延伸;香港則修正長期以來累積的弊端。根據前述的結論,本研究提出下列幾點對我國未來小學英語教育政策之建議: 1)起跑年級應統一,以避免課程與教材重複,並縮小城鄉差距; 2)在訂定師資標準之後,學校應聘用符合資格的教師,而外籍師資聘用政策應深入評估其成本效益,而不是以輿論為依歸; 3)學力檢測應將重點放在整體語文能力評估,並提供學校支援或加強補救教學。校內評量應採取標準參照評量,重視學生自己進步情形的紀錄; 4)學校與教師應努力營造動態活潑的英語學習環境; 5)平等看待本土語言和國際語言。 在未來的研究上,可朝下列方向進行比較教育的研究: 1)可以深入比較台灣和其他以英語為外語的國家,運用多媒體在英語教學的做法; 2)深入評估聘用本地師資與外籍師資的利弊得失及成本效益,以作為政府師資聘用政策的參考; 3)深入了解亞洲其他國家,實施小學英語學力檢測的成效,以及施測後對學習落後學生的補救教學策略。關鍵詞:英語教育、小學英語教育政策、比較研究
    The study aims to make a comparison between Taiwan and Hong Kong’s primary English education policy. The contents of this study include: 1) analysis of the political, economic, social and educational backgrounds between Taiwan and Hong Kong; 2) analysis of the factors influencing the policy making of the primary English education; 3) description of the development, contents and problems of the primary English education policy between Taiwan and Hong Kong.A comparative method was employed to conduct this research. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1)In Taiwan, besides the ministry of education, the local government can design their own primary English education policy. Hong Kong’s policy decision organization is parallel to the consulting organization, the latter is also influential. 2) The latest primary English education curriculum guideline of Taiwan and Hong Kong were revised and published in 2004. Taiwan focused on listening and speaking, while Hong Kong paid equal attention to listening, speaking, reading and writing. 3) Taiwan and Hong Kong have set high standards on primary English teachers’ qualification. These two places faced high expenditures and opposition on employing foreign teachers. Hong Kong carried out the plan aggressively, but Taiwan progressed slowly. 4) Hong Kong has English proficiency tests for primary students. Taiwan’s central government hasn’t carried out the plan, while a few local governments have already implemented it. 5) Hong Kong is promoting the policy of bi-literacy and tri-lingualism. Taiwan has the similar policy, only the mother tongue is different. Both Taiwan and Hong Kong put emphasis on English language education. Finally, this study came up with the following suggestions for the primary English education policy in Taiwan:1) To start teaching English at the same grade. 2) After setting up teacher qualification, the government should request schools hire qualified teachers, and review the policy of native-speaking English teachers regularly. 3) English proficiency tests for students should be focused on comprehensive ability. 4) To create a dynamic English learning environment. 5) Pay equal attention to the local languages and international languages. 6) To make a comparison between Taiwan and other countries on how they use multimedia in English teaching.7) To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of employing local English teachers and native-speaking English teachers. 8) To explore how other Asian countries do on their English proficiency tests, and the support the governments offer for schools and students. Keywords:English education, primary English education policy, comparative study
  • 建立日期: 2005
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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