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吳錦惠; Wu, Jin-hui 黃政傑; Jenq-jye Huang; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班 2005


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 吳錦惠; Wu, Jin-hui
  • 黃政傑; Jenq-jye Huang; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班
  • 主題: 課程調適; 教育問題; 新臺灣之子; curriculum adjustment; children of foreign brides; educational problems
  • 描述: 近年來,國內婚姻移民的現象日益普遍,使得一群新移民女性(或通稱「外籍新娘」)來臺的人數激增,其所生下的「新臺灣之子」,截至94年3月底的統計資料顯示,目前每一百個新生兒中的「新臺灣之子」所占比例達13.62(其生母國籍為包含中國、港澳及東南亞等外國籍);而根據93學年度下學期統計資料顯示,其中就讀國民中小學的人數,總計47,196人,其中就讀國中者有5,605人,就讀國民小學者有41,591人,且均呈現逐年增加的情形。是以所衍生出的教育問題,已然成為國人及相關單位不容忽視的探討範疇。本研究旨在探究新臺灣之子的學習現況與教育問題,並探析如何在課程方面進行課程調適之相關內容與實施。本研究主要採文獻分析、文件分析及訪談法。研究者在訪談前進行試訪並據以修訂正式訪談大綱。訪談研究樣本的選擇,在「縣市層級」為臺北縣、臺北市、桃園縣、高雄市、臺南縣、澎湖縣六個縣市;在「學校層級」則選取縣市教育局人員、國小校長、主任、教師或課程實施人員作為訪談對象。本研究獲致的研究結果如下:一、各縣市達入學年齡的新臺灣之子,近兩年在數量上呈現倍數增加的趨勢,所衍生的相關教育問題值得社會各界重視。二、新臺灣之子的家庭背景大多處於低社經地位,面臨文化刺激不足、隔代教養及父母教養態度等因素的影響下,容易造成在校學習的不適應。三、新臺灣之子面臨的各項教育問題,包括母親缺乏指導能力或參與子女的學習程度不足、家庭成員防範心理作祟或過於溺愛、課業學習問題、文化適應問題、人際及行為問題等。四、新臺灣之子的教育需求有賴適時地提供協助,以培養學生自信心、提昇家庭輔導功能、及落實多元文化課程之目標。五、新臺灣之子的課程調適理念是以不放棄任何一個學生為目的,秉持機會均等與公平正義的原則,並針對其教育問題與需求進行適切的課程調整;目前學校裡實施的課程調適方案包括課業輔導課程、多元文化課程、輔導活動課程等。六、新臺灣之子課程調適的實施已略見成效,惟過程中仍面臨許多困境與不足之處,包括各縣市政府相關單位缺乏主動性,以及缺乏適切的評鑑機制等。最後,本研究提出以下建議:一、政府及各縣市政府相關單位應秉持主動的態度與行動,進行縱向與橫向的聯結合作,並制定相關法案及福利措施。二、政府相關單位、高等教育機構、及各級中小學均應致力於倡導多元社會的價值觀,強調機會均等及去除社會標籤問題,期以促成理想社會目標的達成。三、學校與教師應主動發掘問題並思謀解決之道,包括充實師資來源及教師研習、多元文化課程的設計與實施、加強學習輔導與合作學習方式、鼓勵新臺灣之子學習生母原鄉的語言、設計親子成長教育課程、及早將特教、醫療、社會服務納入教育系統、強化專責中心的功能、進行跨縣市合作等。四、輔導新移民女性家庭成員去除「防範心理」,藉以幫助新移民女性與新臺灣之子獲得充分的成長與學習的機會。五、對後續研究的建議方面,可將研究的教育階段延伸至國中與高中;未來在研究方法上可採參與觀察法,或設計一套課程調適課程進行課程實驗;訪談對象則建議納入新移民女性及新臺灣之子。
    The purpose of this study were to explore educational problems of children of foreign brides and how to implement curriculum adjustment. The study focused on three aspects: 1.the present learning situations, educational problems and demands; 2.curriculum adjustment programs and educational support actions; 3.questions and solutions of curriculum adjustment implementation.This methods used were literature analysis, document collection and interview. Two respects for choosing study samples. In the level of counties and cities, took Taipei County, Taoyuan County, Taipei City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, Penghu County for samples; In the level of schools, took the personnel of bureau of education, elementary directors, and teachers for samples.The study conclusions were illustrated in six parts. The first, the quantity of children of foreign brides had the tendency to increase gradually, concerned problem worthy of our immediate attention. The second, the family background of children of foreign brides were mostly in the low society status, and caused their school learning difficulties. The third, they were facing some educational problems, including mothers lacked the ability for instructing or participating in their children’s learning, study lessons questions, acculturation questions , interpersonal and behavior questions, and so on. The fourth, their educational demands depended on everyone cooperating and offering the most proper assistances. The fifth, based on the ideals of equal opportunities and fair justice, we should plan appropriate curriculum adjustment programs educational problem, for example:the lessons coaching curriculum, multicultural curriculum, coach activity curriculum ,and so on. The sixth, curriculum adjustment programs implementation had already slightly effects, but still some problems remained to solve, including lacked support funds and appropriate evaluation.Finally, based on the conclusions,some suggestions as followings:The first, ministry of education, bureaus of education of county and municipal governments, and schools were responsible for connection cooperations.They should make some relevant welfare actions. The second, we should be devoted to advocating the values of the multicultural society, putting emphasis on equal opportunities and getting rid of the social label. The third, schools and teachers should explore the problems and seek solutions. The fourth, we should help the foreign brides and their children to get the chances for learning and growing up themselves.Finally, some suggestions for the future researchers.
  • 建立日期: 2005
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
