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顏憲文; Yen, Hsien-wen 劉信雄; Hsin-Shiong Liu; 教管所學校行政組(碩士班) 2005


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 顏憲文; Yen, Hsien-wen
  • 劉信雄; Hsin-Shiong Liu; 教管所學校行政組(碩士班)
  • 主題: 學校志工; 工作滿意; 組織承諾; School Volunteer; Organizational Commitment; Job Satisfaction
  • 描述: 本研究乃是就台南縣、市二個地區的國民小學志工為對象進行研究,比較不同個人背景變項及環境變項在工作滿意與組織承諾上的差異性,以及志工工作滿意對組織承諾的影響,作為教育行政單位、學校與後續研究者參考之用。研究中將志工工作滿意分為四個層面:自我成長與生涯規劃、人際關係、家庭認同與支持、工作環境;而志工組織承諾分為三個層面:組織認同、努力意願、留任意願,並探討其典型相關,此為本研究的主要架構。本研究採量表調查法,自編兩份量表,一為學校志工工作滿意量表,另一為學校志工組織承諾量表;總計發送問卷760份,回收691份,回收率90.9﹪,有效問卷627份,有效問卷回收率82.5﹪。所蒐集到的資料進行描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雙因子變異數分析、典型相關。本研究重要發現如下:1.學校志工具有高度的工作滿意與組織承諾。2.學校志工的工作滿意,不因子女是否就讀國小、所服務學校所在地不同而有所不同;因不同的教育程度與服務年資、是否參與其他志工活動而有部分不同;因性別、年齡、學校規模而有不同。3.學校志工的組織承諾,不因所服務學校所在地不同而有所不同;因性別、年齡、教育程度與服務年資、是否曾參與其他志工組織、是否有子女就讀國小、所服務學校規模而有不同。4.學校志工工作滿意與組織承諾有顯著典型相關。本研究建議如下:1.整體規劃學校志工組織,爭取家長多元人力資源。2.協助學校志工管理制度化,拓展社區志工意識。3.加強班級親師合作,拓展家長參與志工管道。4.落實家長會參與校務弁遄A提升志工組織運作績效。5.激勵志工工作士氣,凝聚組織成員向心力。6.暢通招募訊息管道,鼓勵男性參與學校志工。7.積極參與志工進修,提升自我能力。8.堅持志工信念,營造和諧人際關係。9.樣本的選擇上,可考慮增加國中志工、或其他縣市、或不同類型的志工,或已離職志工,其離職原因的探討,以瞭解學校志工更多元面貌。
    This research is conducted with elementary volunteers from Tainan City and Tainan County. It compares the differences between different personal background variable and environment variable on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Besides that, it also does research for the effects about volunteers’ job satisfaction to organizational commitment. All of the above are the reference to the educational demonstration units, schools, and one who wants to keep on study about this topic.In this research, it is divided into four levels about job satisfaction. They are self-achievement and career planning, human relationship, identification and supportability about family, and job environment. And there are three levels about voluntary organizational commitment. They are the organization identification, job inclination, and the inclination to keep doing the same job. It also investigates the canonical correlation. All of them are the main frames of the research. In this research, using scales is the way to collect the information that is needed. There are two scales. One of them is for searching for job satisfaction. The other is for organizational commitment. In this research, the researcher delivered 760 questionnaires. There were 691 questionnaires having been retrieved. The retrieval percentage is 90.9. The valid samples were 627. The valid questionnaire percentage is 82.5. The information that was collected was used for descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, Canonical correlation.The research’s important findings are as follows:1. School volunteers have high job satisfaction and organizational commitment. 2. The job satisfaction of school volunteers is not affected whether or not their children study in the elementary schools; by the dissimilarity of school location they serve, different educational levels and service time; by whether they participate in other voluntary activities; by sex, age, and the school scale. 3. The different school location they serve doesn’t affect their organizational commitment. But it is affected by sex, age, educational levels and service time; whether they ever participate in other voluntary organizations; by whether their children study in the elementary school; and the school scale. 4. The job satisfaction and organizational commitment of school volunteers apparently have a canonical correlation.The research’s suggestions are as follows:1. Wholly design the organization of school volunteers and strive for diverse human resources from patriarch. 2. Systematically help school volunteers’ management and expand community volunteers’ consciousness. 3. Strengthen the cooperation of teachers and patriarch and expand the voluntary channel for patriarchal participation. 4. Carry out the function that parents association participates in school administration. 5. Promote the operating results of voluntary organization. 6. Unimpede the message channel of enlistment and encourage the male to participate in school volunteers. 7. Actively participate in the voluntary advanced courses, and promote the self-ability. 8. Insist on volunteers’ belief, and build the harmonious human relationship. 9. On the choice of the sample, in order to realize more diverse aspects of school volunteers, it can be considered to increase volunteers who are in junior high schools, other cities or of different types. It is necessary to investigate thoroughly the retiring causes which are intentional, about to, or already.
  • 建立日期: 2005
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
