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陳錦秋; Chen, Chin-chiu 黃政傑; JENQ-JYE HWANG; 教管所學校行政組(碩士班) 2005


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳錦秋; Chen, Chin-chiu
  • 黃政傑; JENQ-JYE HWANG; 教管所學校行政組(碩士班)
  • 主題: 行動研究; 課程發展; 教師團隊; Action Research; Curriculum Development; A Team of School Teachers
  • 描述: 本研究旨在以教師團隊之行動研究發展眷村課程,藉以瞭解課程發展之歷程及問題解決對策,落實課程與教學之革新。 研究者以自身服務的學校作為研究對象,該校原為一所典型的眷村小學,後因眷村拆除改建國宅,致眷村文化有消失之虞。研究者與校內關心此議題的夥伴組成課程發展團隊,透過會議交換意見,經歷課程設計、課程實施、課程評鑑及親師生意見回饋修訂的過程,設計一個名為《消失的竹籬笆》的課程單元。 本研究以六年級學生為實施對象,運用綜合活動學習領域時間進行教學,以實地訪察及討論發表作為教學策略,並輔以蒐集、對話、觀察、實驗、紀錄、問卷、測驗、評鑑、修正等歷程,形成本行動研究的運作方式。 本研究獲得結論如下:一、眷村課程發展內涵尚稱完整,計畫教學目的已經達成。(一)發展眷村課程教學單元,協助學生獲得完整的學習;掌握眷村課程的教學重點,達成眷村課程的教學目標。(二)實施眷村課程教學,使學生認識社區與接納多元文化,使老師投入社區本土研究,並且獲得優等獎。二、課程發展與行動研究的歷程,經由不斷的提供資源與修正作法,使教師團隊研究持續進行。(一)教師團隊建立課程發展對話機制,發展多元的課程內涵,課程方案能包容成員的想法與創意。(二)實施眷村課程時,每個過程的紀錄和回饋,都是課程發展修正的寶貴意見,但單元教學之課程評鑑,卻較少提出課程修正意見。(三)學生對於老師講解、來賓現身說法與共同討論的教學方式,喜歡程度大過於蒐集資料與個別發表;以資訊融入圖文相輔之教學方式,也受到學生與觀察員的肯定。(四)運用綜合活動學習領域時間進行教學,使學生在生活實踐中體驗與省思,瞭解眷村課程的意義與價值。三、眷村課程發展以有效的策略與作法,解決遭遇的問題。(一)教師專業成長既是個人的責任,也是團隊的責任;教師團隊的運作,要能進行平等對話與責任分享,但團隊中的領導者則付出更多。(二)行動研究的推動,需要蒐集多元的資料檢証課程方案與實施歷程;參與研究者往往缺乏充裕的時間,以致影響行動研究的順利進行。 最後,本研究提出以下建議:一、對學校教師的建議(一)教師要將課程發展視為專業責任,而非額外的工作項目,並以專業理念發展校本課程和班級的適性課程。(二)與其他學習領域老師進行協同教學,實施眷村課程之聯絡教學,藉由強化學生基本能力以提高教學成效。(三)教師應給予家長成長機會,充分溝通教學理念。二、對學校行政的建議(一)學校應建立課程發展機制、健全課程發展組織,並邀請專家參與課程發展會議,使課程走向客觀與專業性。(二)結合課程發展與教師專業能力,才能達成學校教育目標。(三)學校應給予教師團隊,較具彈性的教學時數與備課時間。三、對未來研究的建議(一)協助教師克服心理障礙,是行動研究者首要面對的挑戰。(二)眷村課程還可增加眷村子弟的成就與榮耀之教學單元。(三)眷村課程若以社會學習領域為課程實施之教學時間,則學生成 就測驗可再增多類型及題數,以增加評鑑效度。
    The aim of my research is to initiate a team of school teachers in order to carry out an Action Research to develop a curriculum of military family community. With this experience of working out the solution to the problems we encountered, out team may gain more ideas on the reformation of course and teaching. The target of my research is the school I’m Working for. The school used to be a typical elementary school rooted in a military family community. Some years ago, the new Nationalist Housing Estate was built to replace the old housing. As a result, the original culture of military family community is fading. My school teachers and I concern this situation very much, and we decide to form a team of curriculum development on a theme “the Disappearing Bamboo Fence”. We have hold several meetings to exchange opinions on course design, course execution, course evaluation, and the feedback from both teachers and students. The target students of my research are all in grade 6, and the course is designed in the comprehensive study field. We have on-site interview and general discussion as our teaching strategy, and help students do the information collecting, dialogue, observation, experiment, recording, questionnaire, quiz, evaluation and emendation, and eventually, we come up with a very good pattern to do the Action Research. My conclusion on this Action Research is stated as following:1. The content of the course development on the military family community is pretty integral, and the purpose of scheduled course is achieved.(1)The course unit we develop on the military family community is very helpful for students to get the whole experience of learning, both in the critical concept and the purpose of lesson. (2)While carrying out the course, we help students really get to know our community and accept diversified culture. Meanwhile, our teachers who involved in studying local community culture have the chance to win an award.2. In the process of developing curriculum, we need to continuously offer more information and amend our methods from time to time..(1) We need to create a mechanism of dialogue among our team members in order to include more ideas to enrich diversified course content.(2) The record and feedback of each process are very precious for amending the curriculum development. Somehow, the evaluation for single teaching unit is limited in giving opinions on amending the course. (3) Students are far more interested in listening to teachers’ lecture and general discussion than collecting the information and expressing personal opinions. But we also realize the computer visual aids with pictures and explanation are more attractive and efficient to most students.(4) This course is executed in the learning area of integrative activities. We help students have experience of reflection, and understand the meaning and value of the course.3.The are some difficulties we encounter.(1) Teachers need to commit in doing the project with professional equipment, both individuals and the team.Although the project leader need to pay more attention, the responsibilities should be shared by team members, and the spirit of having non-barrier communication is necessary.(2) Action research can be very time-consuming, especially on collecting various information to exam the course project and the process. Somehow, if people in the research don’t have enough time, they can not go through the Action Research smoothly.Therefore, I have some constructive suggestions as following:1.To School Teachers(1) Teachers need to take curriculum development as the responsibility of personal profession, not extra job loading. We are also responsible to design suitable course for the school-based curriculum development.(2) Teachers who are in charge of Action Research can invite other teachers in different learning areas to co-teach, and enforce the communication part of the curriculum of military family community, and help students to improve their basic ability.(3) This course also offers a great opportunity for parents to understand the idea of education better.2.To School Administration(1) The authority should help the organization of curriculum development more sound, invite experts to instruct in the meeting, and help the course be more objective and professional.(2) It is much easier to reach the goal of school education when we include teachers’ professional skill in the curriculum development.(3) The authority should offer more flexible teaching hours to the teachers’ team.3. To the Future Study(1) Help teachers to overcome the inner barrier and see Action Research as important challenge.(2) This course can bring achievement and honor to the school kinds from the Military Family Community.(3) We can adopt more types of achievement tests to increase the credibility of assessment.
  • 建立日期: 2005
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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