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蔡昌智; Tsai, Chang-chih 林奇賢; Chi-Syan Lin; 資訊教育研究所教學碩士班 2005


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 蔡昌智; Tsai, Chang-chih
  • 林奇賢; Chi-Syan Lin; 資訊教育研究所教學碩士班
  • 主題: 虛擬貨幣激勵機制; 文字評論激勵機制; 網路學習; 網路學習活動參與程度; commentary motivation mechanisms; virtual currency motivation mechanisms; networked learning engagement; networked learning
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討激勵機制對學習者在網路學習參與程度上的影響。研究之自變項為激勵機制,分成虛擬貨幣機制及文字評論機制;依變項為網路學習活動參與程度,以學習者所發表文章篇數、評量次數及閱讀次數等三項為依據。在一為期九週的英文小記者網路學習活動中,本研究將參與活動的學習者隨機地分為虛擬貨幣激勵機制與文字評論激勵機制二組;結果共蒐集了 67個有效樣本的學習活動資料,並以獨立樣本 t考驗來分析這些資料。經資料分析之後,本研究歸納出以下結論:不同激勵機制在文章發表篇數上沒有顯著差異,但是虛擬貨幣激勵機制在文章評量次數與文章閱讀次數上則明顯高於文字評論激勵機制。
    This study is to investigate the effects of different motivation mechanisms on the engagement of networked learning. The controlled variables are the motivation mechanisms which are consisted of virtual currency and commentary mechanisms. The dependent variable is the engagement of networked learning which is based on the number of posted articles, the frequency of assessing articles and the frequency of reading articles.From the nine-week spanned Journalistic Contest, the participants are divided into virtual currency mechanisms group and commentary mechanisms group. There were 67 effective subjects involving in the experimental study. Meanwhile, all the collected data are statistically analyzed by independent samples t-tests.The study has the following conclusions after the statistical analysis.Different motivation mechanisms don’t affect the number of posted articles, but the virtual currency mechanisms are more significant than the commentary mechanisms both in terms of the frequency of assessing articles and the frequency of reading articles.
  • 建立日期: 2005
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
