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吳宜芸; Wu, Yi-Yun 孫光天; Koun-Tem Sun; 資訊教育研究所碩士班 2005

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  • Title:
  • Author: 吳宜芸; Wu, Yi-Yun
  • 孫光天; Koun-Tem Sun; 資訊教育研究所碩士班
  • Subjects: B型肝炎病毒基因型; 序列比對; 動態規劃; 探針; HBV genotype; sequence alignment; dynamic programming; probe
  • Description: B型肝炎病毒基因型以其核苷酸序列8%之差異,共分為(A~H)8型,由於其基因型與核苷酸序列之差異,與「抗藥性病毒株的出現」、「治療病程中臨床變化」、「B型肝炎病毒核苷酸的改變」有關,所以本研究目的在於設計「鑑定B型肝炎病毒基因型」以及「B型肝炎病毒核苷酸序列比對分析」之工具。 我們依據探針原理與其實驗溫度之變化,設計了「探針設計分析系統」;應用動態規劃演算法於序列比對,設計了「HBV基因型與序列比對分析系統」。兩個系統皆可應用於B型肝炎病毒基因型之鑑定,而且「HBV基因型與序列比對分析系統」還可以用來分析核苷酸序列差異與變化。 由於大量的B型肝炎病毒核苷酸序列資料與複雜的運算過程,若使用人工方式來進行「探針設計資訊之尋找」與「核苷酸序列之比對」是費時費力且不易完成的。本研究利用「探針特性」來設計系統,讓使用者可以應用探針條件設定,迅速與便利的找出具有專一性的探針設計資訊;且使用「編碼技術」與我們所設計的「搜尋公式」,配合運用「動態規劃演算法」進行研究所需的序列比對,應用於基因型鑑定與序列變化、差異分析。 研究結果顯示,我們的系統可以有效的找出具有專一性的探針,而且於序列比對方面,可以快速鑑定input sequence是屬於何種基因型且能分析其序列變化與差異。
    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) includes eight genotypes (A to H) which are categorized by the difference between the nucleotide sequences above 8 percent. The HBV genotype may impact the response of antiviral treatment, clinically significant differences and the change of nucleotide sequences. In this study, we proposed an algorithm to identify HBV genotype and nucleotide sequences difference. We used the principle of probe to make a “Probe Design System” and applied dynamic programming to develop an “Analysis System for the HBV Genotype and Sequence Alignment”. The systems are able to identify the genotype. One of the systems can tell the difference between input sequence and genotype sequence.In this research, we design “probe design system” with the character of probe. And we use encoding method, search function and dynamic programming to design “analysis system for the HBV genotype and sequence alignment”. The experiment shows both systems perform well. We can find the specific probe conditions and the sequence difference with the systems mentioned in the above.
  • Creation Date: 2005
  • Format: 121 bytes
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier:
  • Source: NUTN IR

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