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鄭天來; JENG, TIAN-LAI 張介元; Chai-Yuan Chang; 運動與健康研究所(92~95) 2005


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 鄭天來; JENG, TIAN-LAI
  • 張介元; Chai-Yuan Chang; 運動與健康研究所(92~95)
  • 主題: 身體組成; 健康體適能; 體重控制; Weight Control; Health-related Physical Fitness; B.M.I
  • 描述: 本研究的目的在探討國小肥胖學童,在為期八週的「體重控制方案」實施後,對健康體適能之影響。以台南縣永信國小四至六年級身體質量指數超過26以上的學生為對象,共篩選出25名學童為實驗的受試者,實施八週自編的體重控制方案後,在身體質量指數、坐姿體前彎、立定跳遠、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、800公尺跑/走五個項目上的前後測成績,以相依樣本t考驗分析各變數之間的差異性,採α=.05的顯著水準。結果如下:(1)身體質量指數的前測平均值為25.88,後測的平均值為26.01,在統計上並未達到顯著差異,顯示本實驗之體重控制方案的實施,並不能有效改善學生的身體質量指數(B.M.I)。(2)坐姿體前彎的前測平均值為26.64公分,後測的平均值為30.48公分,在統計上達到顯著差異,顯示本實驗之體重控制方案的實施,對學生的柔軟度提昇能有效改善。(3)立定跳遠的前測平均值為130.92公分,後測的平均值為135.76公分,在統計上達到顯著差異,顯示本實驗之體重控制方案的實施,對學生的瞬發力提昇能有效改善。(4)一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐的前測平均值為27.40次,後測的平均值為30.52次,在統計上達到顯著差異,顯示本實驗之體重控制方案的實施,對學生的肌耐力提昇能有效改善。(5)800公尺跑走的前測平均值為422.44秒,後測的平均值為387.24秒,在統計上達到顯著差異,顯示本實驗之體重控制方案的實施,對學生的心肺耐力提昇能有效改善。由結果顯示,本體重控制方案經由體能訓練與飲食指導的設計,大部份的健康體適能皆能有顯著的改善,唯獨身體組成(B.M.I)可能因訓練時間的不足及未能落實飲食習慣,致使其身體質量指數未能達到顯著改善,因此建議各級學校及相關單位在實施體重控制的活動中,若能將學生家長納入教育範圍,使學生離開學校時還有人能加以督促正確飲食習慣的養成,則可使效果更為顯著。
    The main purpose was to explore the influence on B.M.I and Health-related Physical Fitness, after practicing “The Program of Fitness” on obese elementary school students for 8 weeks. Twenty-five children(B.M.I≧26) were selectively assigned into the experimental group. All of the participants had to take the physical fitness tests inclusive of B.M.I, Bent forward when sitting, Long jump, Sit-up, and 800M run-walk. Paired-simple t-test was used to analyze the homogeneity between pre- and post-tests of the participants. The findings were as follows:(1) Post-test grades were higher than pre-test ones on Bent forward when sitting, Long jump, Sit-up, and 800M run-walk. In other words, the flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, power, and cardiovascular endurance could be raised effectively.(2) However, no difference was found between pre- and post-tests of B.M.I.. As shown in the results, the Program of Fitness composed of physical trainings and diet designs has caused significant improvements on most of the physical fitness items, except for BMI. Because of the growth curve and unwell-executed eating habits, BMI of the obese children couldn’t be ameliorated obviously. Therefore, it is suggested that parents should be involved in the practice of the Program of Fitness so that students could be urged after class in order to form a correct eating habit.
  • 建立日期: 2005
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
