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黃玫玥; Huang, Mei-yueh 謝哲仁; Che-jen Hsieh; 數學教育學系 2005


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 黃玫玥; Huang, Mei-yueh
  • 謝哲仁; Che-jen Hsieh; 數學教育學系
  • 主題: 多重表徵; GSP輔助教學環境; 面積概念; multiple representations; GSP supplementary teaching environment; area concept
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討GSP輔助教學環境設計對國小六年級學童在面積學習成效及面積在日常生活應用方面之影響,研究方法為準實驗研究法─不相等控制組設計。本研究的研究範圍主要以長方形、平行四邊形、三角形與梯形面積為主,研究對象為國小六年級學生,分實驗組、控制組兩組進行研究,其中實驗組30人,控制組33人。經實驗教學以後,以量為主、質為輔的分析方式探討教學實驗對於兩組學生的學習成效與實驗組學生數學學習態度的影響。各項資料經由統計軟體之分析,獲得下列七項主要發現:一.對國小六年級學生學習面積的學習成就上實驗組雖優於控制組,但並無顯著性的差異。二.對國小六年級學生學習面積的學習成就上實驗組高分群雖優於控制組高分群,但並無顯著性的差異;實驗組中、低分群顯著優於控制組的中、低分群。三.對國小六年級學生學習面積的學習成就上實驗組與控制組的男生和女生並沒有顯著性的差異;但在性別與組別變項之交互作用,在面積後測學習成就上有顯著差異,表示教學實驗後實驗組女生後測成績顯著優於控制組女生後測成績。四.由形成性評量得知實驗組學生寫形成性評量時能詳細說明理由,控制組學生雖然會使用公式算面積卻無法說明原因。五、GSP輔助教學環境可移動、可轉動的圖形、及立即顯現的長度、角度的數據可以讓學生留下深刻的視覺印象,並可以引起學生的學習動機進而刺激學生的思考及勇於嚐試新的圖形的企圖心。六. GSP輔助教學環境並不會減少同儕間及師生互動情形,且能提供學生按照自己的進度自我學習的機會,有助於適性化教育理想的實現,值得進一步推廣於教材的設計中。七.大部分學生都很喜歡使用電腦來學數學,也相信具有學習興趣及效果,但有部分學生的自信心不足影響其學習慾望,應在教學過程中加強學生的自信心。 最後,研究者根據研究結果提出一些教學、未來研究方面的建議及研究心得以供參考。
    The purpose of this study is to understand the learning effect of the supplementary teaching environment in area and its influence on the daily life of sixth graders by using a computer software program called GSP. The method of nonequivalent control design in quasi-experimental study is applied. The study scope is mainly in the area of oblong, parallelogram, triangle and trapezoid and the subjects are sixth grade pupils. Two groups were divided with 30 pupils in the experimental group and 33 in the control group. After experimental teaching, analysis of quantity (primary) and quality (secondary) is used to understand the learning effect of the two groups and the influence on math education in the experimental group. All data was analyzed by statistics software and seven results were concluded:1. The learning achievement of the experimental group is better than the control group, but there is no variation in significant level.2. High grade learning achievement in the experiment group is higher than the control group, but there is no variation in significant level. However, the lowest grade in the experiment group is higher than the low/middle grade in the control group.3. There is no significant variation between the boys and girls in the two groups, but in reciprocal effect of gender and group variation. There is significant variation in learning achievement after testing in that after experimental teaching, girls’ achievements in experimental group are better than that of girls in the control group after testing.4. The formative evaluation results indicate that pupils in the experiment group can engage in detailed explanation, but the control group cannot. They only used formulas for area calculation.5. The movable diagrams as well as the GSP data show that lengths and angles immediately impressed the pupils very much. The visual image of supplementary teaching stimulates the students’ learning motivation and thinking. They were encouraged to try the new graphs.6. The interaction between the peers and pupils/teachers is not diminished. It even provides opportunities for self-learning based on his/her progress. It helps to implement the adaptive education perfectly and it can be a reference for the design of teaching material.7. Most pupils like to learn math through a computer. It is believed that it can enhance learning interest and effect. Unfortunately, some pupils have no self-confidence, which lowers their desire to learn. A student’s confidence has to be stimulated during the teaching process.Based on the study’s result, these proposals can be used as reference for teaching/learning and future research.
  • 建立日期: 2005
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
