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吳宜貞 黃秀霜; 國民教育研究所 1997


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 吳宜貞
  • 黃秀霜; 國民教育研究所
  • 主題: 認字; 五年級
  • 描述:   本研究之目的係針對五年級學童的認字水準、認字薄弱群體之特徵做一探討,並瞭解不同認字層級學童在各變項上之差異情形,再經由瞭解兒童辨識文字的能力和閱讀理解之相關後,進一步對影響個人認字、閱讀理解能力之相關家庭環境因素作一探討。研究的相關焦點有四:一為瞭解五年級學童的認字水準;二分析認字薄弱群體之特徵;三為探討不同認字層級的學童在家庭環境變項、語意區辨以及閱讀理解上的差異情形;最後則討論家庭環境變項、認字能力、語意區辨以及閱讀理解之關係分析。  本研究以台南縣、高雄市之國民小學進行抽樣,共計16所,再抽取五年級男生267人,女生244人,共計511人作為研究對象。使用之研究工具包括:瑞文式標準圖形推理測驗(俞筱鈞,民82)、中文年級認字量表(黃秀霜、吳宜貞,民86)、以及研究者自編之「國小高年級閱讀理解測驗」、「語意區辨測驗」和「家庭環境變項調查表」。  所得之資料以Pearson積差相關、變異數分析、逐步多元迴歸分析進行資料分析。整個研究結果如下:  一、國小五年級學童的認字水準  以層級二的人數最多(229人),整體平均約認得68個字,標準差為20.32,異質性很大。  以IRT發展出一份適合五年級學童使用的中文年級認字簡式測驗(包括層次三到五,60題)。  二、認字薄弱群體之特徵描述  認字薄弱群體和一般五年級學童在九個認字層次中,以認字層次3、4的差異最大,在城鄉上的發生比例並無顯著差異存在,在家庭環境變項分量表「閱讀氣氛和習慣」上認字薄弱群體與非認字薄弱群體間有顯著差異存在(F=4.5,p<.05),「閱讀環境」、「父母關心孩子學業和期望」兩分量表則無顯著差異存在,推論此一群體對於從事閱讀,缺乏內在動機與外在誘因,在家中亦他人指導其不會的地方。  認字薄弱群體之認字能力與語意區辨、閱讀理解間有顯著相關存在(r=30.31,p<.05);此一群體之認字能力與語意區辨、閱讀理解之相關顯著低於非認字薄弱群體(Z=2.54,1.92, p<.05)。  三、不同認字層級在家庭環境變項、語意區辨以及理解上之差異情形  不同認字層級在「閱讀氣氛和習慣」(F=5.94, p<.05,ω2=.037)、「父母關心孩子學業和期望」(F=3.24, p<.05,ω2=.017)、「語意區辨」(F=56.82, p<.05,ω2=.304)、「閱讀理解」(F=43.59, p<.05,ω2=.250)上有顯著差異存在。  四、家庭環境變項、認字與閱讀理解間之關係分析   1.「認字能力」、「語意區辨」以及「閱讀氣氛和習慣」分量表在城鄉上有顯著差異存在(F=4.10, 11.08, 9.36, p<.05)。   2.「閱讀氣氛和習慣」、「父母關心孩子學業和期望」和認字、語意區辨及閱讀理解間有顯著相關存在(r=.2262, .2381, .1846; .1293, 2134, .1665, p<.05)。   3.在「閱讀氣氛和習慣」與認字、語意區辨及閱讀理解間,台南縣或高雄市皆有顯著之相關存在。   4.在「父母關心孩子學業和期望」量表上,不論在台南縣或高雄市上與語意區辨或閱讀理解上皆有顯著相關存在,但在與認字能力之相關上,只有高雄市有顯著相關存在,台南縣則無顯著相關存在。   5.認字、語意區辨及閱讀理解三者間不論在全體或城鄉上皆有顯著之相關存在,此結果和拼音文字相一致。   6.台南縣的家庭環境變項間之關係較高雄市來得密切(z=6.226, 2.475. 5.235, p<.05)。  五、家庭環境變項對認字能力以及家庭環境變項、智商、認字能力對語意區辨、閱讀理解能力之預測分析   1.在家庭環境變項對認字能力之預測分析上,以「閱讀氣氛和習慣」分量表最重要。   2.在家庭環境變項、智商、認字能力對語意區辨、閱讀理解能力之預測分析,研究結果發現「父母關心孩子的學業和期望」、「智商」與認字能力三個變項最為重要。  本研究希望提供家長在瞭解孩童認字以及閱讀能力之餘,能進一步瞭解影響到孩子閱讀能力的一些相關家庭環境變項因素,以供改善之參考。
      The purpose of the study was aimed at the level of the word recognition for the fitfh graders and the characteistic among the grouq of the weak word recognition. The differences between the variables for the students of the students of the various levels of word recognition were investigated in this research. By means of realizing the relations between the ability of recognizing word and reading comprehension for the children, in advance, the study intended to explore influence of the family surroundings on the ability of word recognition and reading comprehension. There were four focuses in the research: first of all, to realize the levels of word recognition for the fifth graders; second, to analyza the characteristics in the group of the weak word recognition; third, to explore the condition of difference about the family surroundings factors, semantic distinction and the reading comprehension; finally, to discuss the relations among those factors referred above.  The research sampled 16 elementary schools of Tainan County and the City of Kaoshiung. The test materials in the research included: Raven''s Progressive Matrices(SPM), the Grade Chinese Characters Reading test, Reading Co,prehension Test(the fifth grade), Semantic Distinction Test, and Family Surroundings lnventory.  The data were analyzed by Pearson Producet-Moment Correlation, ANOVA, Multiple Stepwise Regression Analysis. The results of the study id as follows:  1.The level of word recognition for the fifth graders in the elementary school:  Most of subvects were in level 2 (229 persons) and the average of the fifth graders was about 68 words and the standard deviation was 20.32 in the Grade Chinese Characters Reading test.  Item Response Theory was used to develop a short form of the Grade Chinese Characters Reading test (levels 3 to 5 included 60 items).  2.The characteristics of the group of the weak word recognition:  The most variance was shown in levels 3 and 4 comparing the weak word recognition group and the group of the non-weak word recognition, but no significant differecnce existed between the city and the country for the ratio of occurrence of the weak word recognition.  A significant difference was found between the group of the weak word recognition and the group of the non-weak word recognition on 「the atmosphere and habits of reading」subscale (f=4.45, p<.05), not on 「the environment of reading」subscale and「the parents caring about children''s academic achievement and their expectationl subscale.  There was significant relationship among the ability of recognizing word, the semantic distincton and the reading comprehension for the group of the weak word recognition (r=30, 31, p<.05); The relations between the ability of recognizing word, the semantic distinction and the reading co,prehension for the group of the weak word recognition was lower than the relations the non-weak word recognition.(Z=2.54, 1.92, p<.5).  3.The differences between various levels of word recognition on the variables of the family surroundings ,the semantic distinction and the reading comprehension:  There were significant differences on 「the atmosphere and habits of reading」,「the parents caring about children''s academic achievement and their expectation 」,「the semantic distinction」and「the reading comprehension」.  4.The analysis of the relationship among the variables of the family surroundings, the semantic distinction and the reading comprehension:   (1).There were significant differences existed on「the ability of word recognition」,「the semantic distinction」,「the atmosphere and habits of reading」subscale between the city and the country.   (2).「The atmosphere and habits of reading」,「The parents caring about children''s academic achievement and their expectation」were significantly related to「word recognition」and 「the semantic distinction」(r=.2262, .2381, .1846; .1293, .2134, .1665, p<.05).   (3).「The atmosphere and habits of reading」had significant relationship with「word recognition」,「the semantic distinction」and「the reading comprehension」for Tainan county and The City of Kaoskiung.   (4).The correlation between「the parents caring about children''s academic achievement and their expextation」,「the semantic distinction」and「the reading comprehension」was significant for Tainan County and The City of Kaoshiung. However, the relationship between「the parents caring about children''s academic achievement and their expectation」subscale and「the ability of word recognition」was significant only for the City of Kaoshiung, not for Tainan County.   (5).Significant relationships existed between「the ability of word recognition」,「the semantic distinction」and「the reading comprehension」for the ity and the country. The results were consistent with the findings in alphabetic writing systems.   (6).The relationship between the variables of the family surroundings for Tainan County is much closer than that for the City of Kaoshiung (z=6.226, 2.475, 5.235,p<.05).  5.The analysis of the ability of word recognition and reading comprehension.  1.Among family surroundings variables, 「the atmosphere and habits of reading」subscale significantly predicted the ability of word recognition.  2.Among family surroundings variables, IQ, the ability of word recognition, 「the parents caring about children''s academic achievement and their expectation」subscale, IQ, and the ability of word recognition were significantly preditctors for the ability of reading comprehension and the semantic distinction.
  • 建立日期: 1997
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
