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歐瑞賢 丁振豐; 國民教育研究所 1997

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  • Title:
  • Author: 歐瑞賢
  • 丁振豐; 國民教育研究所
  • Subjects: 推理能力; 動態評量
  • Description:   本研究旨在發展具有標準化的介入程序(依據前測訊息適性的介入方式、有理論依據的介入內容以及漸進提示)、團體化施測方式之特色的動態評量模式。並以研究豐富的比例推理能力為主題,期能應用動態評量協助學生的比例推理能力,同時也希望能更精緻化國小學生比例推理能力的評量訊息。  本研究採等組前測、介入階段測量、後測的實驗設計,研究中以台南市勝利國小二∼六年級學生共491人為前測研究樣本,並依據前測所區分之不同認知層次的學生隨機分成實驗組和控制組兩組。實驗組有164人,接受動態評量程序;控制組有166人,接受靜態評量的程序。再則由(一)比例推理認知層次測驗的心理計量特徵;(二)動態評量的立即效益;(三)動態評量的遷移效益三個方面,探討本動態評量的區辨及協助效益。  研究結論與結果如下:  一、比例推理認知層次測驗具有的建構效度   1.以選擇的總分來區分學生的比例推理能力並不合適,以層次區分建構效度良好。   2.三參數logistic模式比傳統的能力及題目參數估計方式更符合本研究層次區分的結果。   3.受試的反應組型並非隨機形成,有主要的反應組型,實徵的資料能符合層次特質合理的推論。  二、本動態評量具有立即效益   1.動態組經過動態評量後,在介入階段比例推理能力高於控制組。   2.動態組經守動態評量後,在介入階段比例推理能力高於前測階段。   3.動態評量介入階段的提示系統,對受試有漸進的協助效果。   4.動態評量提示量較靜態評量更具區辨的敏銳性。   5.動態評量的提示對比例推理的能力具有區辨力。  三、本動態評量具有遷移效益   1.動態組經過動態評量後,在後測階段之獲益高於控制組。   2.動態組經過動態評量後,在後測階段有所獲益。   3.動態評量較靜態評量更具有敏銳性。   4.動態評量對比例推理能力具有區辨力。
      The putpose of this research is to develop a group dynamic proportional reaoning assessment(GDPRA) to distinguish and to increase the children''s abilirty of proportional reasoning. The initial sample for the research is four hundred and ninety-one 2-6 grade students that diagnosed by the proportional reasoning hierarchy test(PRHT).one hundred and sixty-four subjects were assessed by the GDPRA. One hundred and sixty-six subjects were matched with the control group.The major discovery was summarized the followings:  1.The construct validity of the PRHT came off well.   (1)The sum of multiple-choice item score was not suitable for measuring students'' obility of proportional reasoning, and the construct validity of hierarchy came off well.   (2)The three-parameter logistic model was fitter than classical test theory in measuring students'' ability of proportional reasoning.   (3)There were major reponse-types in subjects'' response because the subjects'' response-types weren''t shaped randomly.The experimental data were explained by the tational inference.  2.The immediate effects of dynamic assessment came off well.   (1)The ability of dynamic assessment group was higher than control group in mediate stage.   (2)The ability of dynamic assessment group in mediate stage was higher than that in pretest stage.   (3)The group graduated prompting system could help to increase subjects'' ability gradually.   (4)The prompting quantity of the GDPRA was more discriminative for the ability of proportional reasoning than the static assessment.   (5)The prompting quantity of the GDPRA had discriminative validity for the ability of proportional reasoning.  3.The transferability effects of dynamic assessment came off well.   (1)The gain dynamic assessment group was higher than control group in posttest stage.   (2)The gain of dynamic assessment group increased in posttest stage.   (3)The GDPRA was more discriminative for the ability of proportional reasoning than the static assessment.   (4)The GDPRA had discriminative validity for the ability of proportional reasoning.
  • Creation Date: 1997
  • Format: 121 bytes
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier:
  • Source: NUTN IR

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