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鄭芳珍; Cheng, Fang-Chen 謝苑玫; Yuan-Mei Hsieh; 音樂學系音樂科教學碩士班 2014


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 鄭芳珍; Cheng, Fang-Chen
  • 謝苑玫; Yuan-Mei Hsieh; 音樂學系音樂科教學碩士班
  • 主題: 藝術與人文學習領域; 創作活動; 音樂教學; 創作; 行動研究; Arts and Humanities Learning Areas; creative activity; music instruction; creative; action research
  • 描述: 本研究是以民國一百年出版的翰林版國小三年級下學期藝術與人文課本,第三大單元「音樂美樂地」祝你生日快樂、歌頌春天、鑼鼓喧天等三個小單元之音樂教材為基礎,輔以文獻探討所歸納之音樂創作教學策略,再加上研究者自行規畫之創作教學活動設計而成的十四節教學方案為主要研究工具,從中探討以創作為導向進行國小三年級音樂教學之教學目標、教學活動、教學策略及教學評量之進行與修正。本研究採質性取向之行動研究,以研究者一百零一學年度所服務的高雄市路竹區快樂國小三年級A、B、C三個班級學生為研究對象,在研究過程中隨時反思自己的觀點與作法,並透過錄影觀察、學習單、研究者日誌、協助觀察紀錄等多元的資料蒐集方式,進行文件分析與討論。經行動與反思修正後,得到以下結論:一、以創作為導向可行的音樂教學模式宜由生活題材著手、重視發表過程接受不同的表現方式、指導分組合作、視活動狀況修正流程並以學生為主體。二、以創作為導向的音樂教學目標應為透過音樂創作教學,引起學生對音樂的興趣、增加學生對音樂概念的理解和培養探索與思考的能力。三、以創作為導向的音樂課程活動安排宜依照教材難易度排列,由易而難,由簡單而複雜,從實作中進而統整出概念。四、以創作為導向的音樂教學活動應結合音樂知識、演唱教學、演奏教學、欣賞教學等實施,不要特別強調一節課全部實施創作教學。五、教學活動中,藉由自由、彈性的教學引導過程可促進學生有效的學習。在呈現活動時,宜鼓勵並讚賞學生的創意表現,多引導學生主動發表,增加觀摩、示範、省思的學習機會;最後的分享活動,宜適時給予學生回饋與鼓勵,並接納學生表達的不同意見,提高其成就感與參與感。六、以創作為導向的音樂教學評量方式宜多元化、重視創作的過程而非結果,對於作品內容呈現的新穎與獨特性給予肯定。 依據上述結論,本研究對音樂教學者及未來研究提出若干建議。關鍵字:創作、音樂教學、創作活動、藝術與人文學習領域、行動研究
    1. When designing creative teaching approach in music education, the approach itself should be student-oriented, and topics should be developed from students’ life experiences. Teachers would emphasize what process is, accept various ways of presentation, facilitate group work, and revise process procedure depending on the situations of the activity.2. The goal for using creative teaching approaches in music should work through creative oriented music instruction in order to stimulate students’ interest in music, to enhance students' understanding in musical concepts and to develop the ability to explore and the think.3. The curriculum activities should be arranged according to the degree of difficulty in teaching materials. It should be organized from easy to difficult, from simple to complex and thus from the implementations to understand the concepts. 4. Creative Oriented teaching activities should be integrated into various teaching contents: musical knowledge, vocal instruction, musical performance instruction, and music appreciation; all integration should not be implemented in one lesson.5. Through free and flexible guided practice in the teaching activities, students will learn effectively. During the activities, teachers would encourage and compliment on the creative performance of the students, guide students to perform actively, and thus to create some opportunities for learning by demonstrations and reflections. Finally during the sharing activities, teachers would give appropriate feedback and compliments and accept different opinions expressed by the students to enhance their sense of fulfillment and participating in the activities. 6. Multiple evaluation methods should be used for the creative teaching approaches in music. Evaluation should focus on the process not the result and on the uniqueness and originality of the creations. Assessment standards and teacher’s teaching objectives should be closely linked together. Based on the above conclusions, this study made numerous of recommendations for music education and future research. Keywords: creative, music instruction, creative activity, Arts and Humanities Learning Areas, action research
  • 建立日期: 2014
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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  • scope:("NUTN"),scope:(NUTN_ALEPH),scope:(NUTN_IR),scope:(NUTN_SFX),primo_central_multiple_fe
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