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倪曉雯; Ni, Shiao-wen 黃秀霜; Hsiu-shuang Huang; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 倪曉雯; Ni, Shiao-wen
  • 黃秀霜; Hsiu-shuang Huang; 教育學系課程與教學碩士班
  • 主題: 寫作動機; 寫作表現; 話題作文; 讀寫整合; writing performance; Chinese topic composition writing; Integration of combined reading-writing activiti; writing motivation
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討國語科讀寫整合融入話題作文之精神,對國小六年級學生,在寫作表現與寫作動機之成效。本研究係透過行動研究之設計與實施,進行兩個階段的讀寫整合教學,共有八篇作文產出,其中第一篇為「前測」,第八篇為「後測」。兩階段的讀寫整合歷程,皆以國語課文為閱讀素材,並延伸出寫作的任務;唯在第二階段融入話題作文的開放精神,讓學生「自擬題目、自選文體、自主立意」。 本研究以台南市某國小六年級一班三十名學生為研究對象。研究過程中,兼採量化與質化的資料蒐集。量化資料包括寫作表現量表,與寫作動機量表,並以相依樣本t-test考驗其效果;質化資料包含學生寫作成品、教師觀察與省思札記、協同批閱教師訪談,以及學生訪談。本研究結論如下:一、從國語課文延伸至寫作的讀寫整合教學,為具體可行之課程設計,而教學中運用的課文結構表為課文預習、教學與複習提供方向。二、學生接受國語科讀寫整合融入話題作文之教學歷程中,寫作表現總量表總分及「內容」、「措辭」、「結構」、「其他」四大向度,皆有顯著進步。三、學生接受國語科讀寫整合融入話題作文之教學後,寫作動機總量表的總分寫作的「重要與效用」、「期望」、「情感」、「興趣」四大構面,皆有顯著提升。四、透過行動研究循環驗證的歷程,教師與學生能不斷將讀寫整合中,遭遇的困難提出討論,並在下次的行動中作修正。 綜合本研究之結果與發現,研究者提出相關建議,以供未來教學者與研究者參考。
    The purpose of this study was to investigate how the integration of combined reading-writing activities into Chinese topic composition writing in Chinese classes influenced the writing performance and motivation of the sixth graders. In this action research study, students were to hand in eight essays during two stages of integrated reading and writing activities. The first essay would be treated as the pretest while the last the posttest. Reading materials were students’ Chinese textbooks, from which students carried out extended writing missions during these two stages. To catch the creative spirit of guided writing, students were free to choose their own titles, genres and to write whatever they wanted during the second stage. The subjects were 30 students from an elementary school in Tainan. The evaluations in this study collected qualitative and quantitative data. Including the scales of writing performances and motivation, quantitative data were analyzed through repeated measures t-test. Qualitative data included student writings, teaching journals and interviews with students and colleagues who helped grading student writings. The results were as follows.1. Extending from students’ Chinese textbook to writing, the combined reading-writing activity was a practical design. The organization chart embedded in each lesson was a helpful guideline for preview, teaching and review. 2. In the scales of writing performance, students showed distinct improvement in the final score and the four domains of content, wording, organization and others. 3. In the scales of writing motivation, students showed marked improvement in the final score and the four domains of importance-effect, expectation, emotions and interest.4. During the repeated testing in an action research and the ongoing integration of reading and writing, teachers and students were able to discuss their difficulties and to make corrections for the following missions.Some suggestions were proposed as reference for teachers and further research.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
