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黃惠珠; Huang, Huei-Jhu 徐綺穗; Hsu, Chi-Sui; 教育學系課程與教學碩博士班 2014


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 黃惠珠; Huang, Huei-Jhu
  • 徐綺穗; Hsu, Chi-Sui; 教育學系課程與教學碩博士班
  • 主題: 生命教育課程; 自我概念; Life education curriculum; self-concept
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討生命教育課程對國小四年級學生自我概念之影響。本研究採準實驗研究設計,以台南市某國小四年級兩個班級學生為研究對象,一班為實驗組進行為期八週,共十六堂課之生命教育課程,另一班為控制組進行既定的綜合領域課程。以吳裕益、侯雅齡(2000)編著之「國小兒童自我概念量表」為研究工具,於教學前、後一週對實驗組和控制組進行前、後測,以瞭解生命教育課程對國小四年級學生在自我概念影響效果之差異。本研究的資料分析,在量化統計分析方面採取單因子共變數分析、成對樣本t檢定以考驗研究假設;在質性方面以課程中之學習單、課程回饋問卷、個案訪談、教師省思札記等資料,綜合分析說明學生對實驗課程與教學的反應,以作為評鑑課程實施成效之輔助說明,最後歸納整理,提出本研究結論如下:一、生命教育課程有助於提升國小四年級學生自我概念的形成。二、生命教育課程實施成效以「學校自我」提升的得分最多,,「身體自我」提升的得分最少。三、實驗組學生對於生命教育課程都持高度的肯定與認同。根據以上研究結論,分別對教育工作者提出相關建議,作為後續教學輔導、未來研究及生命教育課程設計之參考。
    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of life education curriculum on self-concept of fourth graders. In this quasi-experimental study, fourth graders from two classes in a primary school, Tainan City were divided into two groups. For eight weeks, students from the experimental group took 16 classes on life education. The control group, on the other hand, took regular classes on integrated curriculum. To investigate what difference the practice of life education made on fourth graders, this author employed a self-concept scale for primary school students as a pre- and post-test tool a week before and after the experiment. Collected data was analyzed in quantity and quality. In quantitative data analysis, one way ANOVA and Paired-Sample T Test were used to verify hypotheses. In qualitative data analysis, worksheets, feedback sheets, interviews and teaching logs were employed to elaborate students’ response to the experimental classes and to evaluate the practice of life education. The conclusions were as follows.I. Life education curriculum helped fourth graders construct their self-concept.II. Among the above aspects of self concept, the treatment worked most effectively for the enhancement of the school self and least effectively for that of the physical self.III. Life education curriculum won recognition from students in the experimental group.Related suggestions were forwarded based on the conclusions for future reference.
  • 建立日期: 2014
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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  • scope:("NUTN"),scope:(NUTN_ALEPH),scope:(NUTN_IR),scope:(NUTN_SFX),primo_central_multiple_fe
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