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楊富安; Yang, Fu-An 謝碧雪; Xie,Bi-Xue; 應用數學系數學科教學碩士班 2014


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 楊富安; Yang, Fu-An
  • 謝碧雪; Xie,Bi-Xue; 應用數學系數學科教學碩士班
  • 主題: 三年級分數教學; 「部份、全體」概念; 分數概念; fraction concept; fraction teaching for the third graders; the concept of
  • 描述: 本研究的目的主要在探討學生在接受「部份、全體的概念之分數教學法」之後,對國小三年級學生的分數學習是否具有學習成效與保留效果,並希望了解「部份、全體的概念之分數教學法」是否有助於學童真正理解分數概念。在研究方法上,本研究採準實驗研究法。研究對象是兩班三年級學童,分成實驗班和對照班。研究者以任教班級為實驗班,實驗班以研究者設計的教學活動進行學習,對照班則選擇同年級程度相近、能力相當的另一班級,依一般傳統教學進行學習。量化分析方面,在教學活動結束後,實驗班和對照班皆進行後測,並將兩班後測的成績以SPSS統計軟體進行分析討論,以了解學童的分數學習成效。在後測測驗一個月之後對實驗班進行延後測,以了解實驗班學童的分數保留概念。質性分析方面,研究者為了解「部分、全體的概念之分數教學法」是否有助於學童真正理解分數概念,針對本單元五個活動設計了五張課後學習單,讓學童回家進行書寫。研究者回收課後單之後,針對學童書寫內容,輔以半結構式晤談方法,以了解學童是否真正理解分數概念。 研究結果發現如下:一、後測的結果分析:實驗班平均分數高於對照班,因此以「部分、全體的概念之分數教學法」進行分數教學,真正能提升學童分數學習的成效。二、延後測的結果分析:實驗班延後測成績高於實驗班後測成績,因此以「部分、全體的概念之分數教學法」進行分數教學,對於學童的分數學習是具有良好的保留效果。三、晤談結果分析:實驗班學童能利用「部分、全體的概念」來說明自己所列的式子與答案,因此以「部分、全體的概念之分數教學法」進行分數教學,是有助於學童真正理解分數概念的。
    The purpose of this study is to discuss the learning effect of fraction teaching using the concept of part-and-whole in the third grade students.The study is based on quasi-experimental research with two classes of third grade students. The researcher's class was chosen as the experimental group while the other class was selected as the control group. The experimental group is with researcher's teaching activities,and the control group is with the traditional teaching activities. Data of quantity includes the scores of post-test (the experimental and control groups) and delayed post-test (the experimental group). Data of quality includes five after-class practicing sheets and interview records with students.The results are as follows:1. The average score of the post-test of the experimental group is better than that of the control group. Therefore, using the concept of part-and-whole on the fraction teaching can promote the learning effect.2. The average score of the delayed post-test is better than that of the post-test in the experimental group. Therefore, using the concept of part-and-whole on the fraction teaching can reserve the learning effect.3. Students of the experimental group can explain the solving process on the five after-class practicing sheets. Therefore, using the concept of part-and-whole on the fraction teaching is helpful for the third grade students.
  • 建立日期: 2014
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
