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謝宗叡; Hsieh, Tsung-jui 歐陽誾; Yin OuYang; 教育學系科技發展與傳播碩士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 謝宗叡; Hsieh, Tsung-jui
  • 歐陽誾; Yin OuYang; 教育學系科技發展與傳播碩士班
  • 主題: 國小高年級學童; 問卷調查; 道德價值觀; 網路遊戲涉入; questionnaires; morality; online games involvement; fifth and sixth graders
  • 描述: 本研究目的在探討台南市國小高年級學童網路遊戲涉入對其道德價值觀之影響。以台南市672位國民小學五、六年級學生為研究對象,編製「國小學生網路遊戲行為與日常生活經驗表現之調查問卷」為研究工具,以問卷調查的方式來進行研究。本研究重要研究發現如下: 一、在學童網路遊戲使用現況方面:1. 有超過九成的學童有參與網路遊戲。2. 國小學童涉入網路遊戲年資以四年以上者比例最高。3. 國小學童每週平均上線天數以一至二天為多數。4. 國小學童在每次上線時間中以兩小時以內的人數為多數。5. 國小學童有超過九成的學童上線地點為家中。6. 國小學童參與比例最高的遊戲類型為益智遊戲。二、國小高年級學童道德價值觀不論整體或各向度均達到中上程度,尤其以「律己道德」層面表現最高。三、國小高年級學童不同的網路遊戲涉入對其道德價值觀確實有一定程度的影響1. 有參與網路戲的國小高年級學童,其道德價值觀較無參與網路遊戲者低。2. 網路遊戲年資越長的國小高年級學童,其道德價值觀較網路遊戲年資較淺者低。3. 上線天數越多的國小高年級學童,其道德價值觀較每週上線天數較少者低。4. 上線時間越多的國小高年級學童,其道德價值觀較上線時間較少者低。5. 國小高年級學童不因上線地點的不同,而對道德價值觀有所影響。6. 國小高年級學童不因參與遊戲類型的不同,而對道德價值觀有所影響。
    The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between on-line games and moral differences for fifth and sixth graders in Tainan City. The subjects of this study were 672 fifth and sixth graders in Tainan City. “The Elementary School Students Conduct On-line Gaming Performance with Everyday Life Experience Investigation” was developed and administered as the research instrument. The findings of the study were as follows:1. For the current situations of fifth and sixth graders playing on-line games, the main findings included: (1) In the dimension of whether playing online games, there were more than ninety percent students playing on-line games.(2) In the dimension of years of playing online games, elementary school students involved in more than four years, occupying the highest percentage.(3) In the dimension of on-line days in a week, the most of those was from one to two days.(4) In the dimension of on-line times each, children’s game time was in two hours, taking up the majority.(5) In the dimension of most playing locations, there were more than ninety-percent students playing at home.(6) In the dimension of the most common type of game you played, the highest proportion of type involved in the game was puzzle game.2. The fifth and sixth graders’ morality reached to middle level, whether in whole or in different dimensions, in particular, the internal moral had the highest performance level.3. The fifth and sixth graders’ morality had degree influence on involvement in different online games.(1) The fifth and sixth graders had involved in on-line games, and their morality was lower than those who did not involve in on-line games.(2) The fifth and sixth graders had involved in on-line games for longer years, and their morality was lower than those who had shorter years of on-line games.(3) The fifth and sixth graders had involved in on-line games for longer days in every week, and their moral significance was lower than the weekly number of days for players with lesser on-line times.(4) The fifth and sixth graders had involved in on-line games much longer times, their moral outlook was lower than those of lesser times.(5) The fifth and sixth graders’ morality did not change regardless of different on-line locations. (6) The fifth and sixth graders’ morality did not change whatever different types of on-line games they played.
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
