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任士凱; Ren, Shi-kai 林信志; Hsin-chih Lin; 數位學習科技學系碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 任士凱; Ren, Shi-kai
  • 林信志; Hsin-chih Lin; 數位學習科技學系碩士班
  • 主題: 音樂即興; 體感互動; 使用性評估; HTML5 Websocket; Canvas; music improvisation; somatosensory interaction; System Usability Scale
  • 描述: 音樂即興是一種熱門的樂團創作模式,不僅能將個人的音樂技巧加入樂曲,並能創作出新的樂章;體感互動在遊戲、藝術、生活等應用,都有相當出色之表現,跳脫傳統鍵盤與滑鼠的操作模式。本研究以體感互動技術搭配音樂即興理念,開發出一套線上音樂即興系統,包括:線上即興、即興教學等兩個模組。線上即興模組經由 HTML5 Websocket 通訊技術傳送雙方的骨架資料,再以 Canvas 動態繪圖在近端螢幕呈現遠端骨架與視覺特效,透過點對點傳輸,使用者只要使用瀏覽器,無須外掛與應用程式,即可進行線上音樂即興;即興教學模組提供循序漸進的教學模式,包括介面介紹、即興方式、節奏啟動等。本系統讓玩家以簡易且循序漸進的方式學習音樂即興;而為評估系統使用性,本研究採用 Jakob Nielsen 問卷進行專家評估與使用者評估,評估結果顯示:大部分使用者有自信操作本系統,且認為本系統易於使用,但不一定會經常使用。
    The study is to develop an online music improvisation system based on somatosensory interaction. The proposed system consists of two modules, including online music improvisation and a tutorial. The online improvisation module applies the HTML5 Websocket communication technology through peer to peer transmission to send skeleton data between two players, then the module uses Canvas dynamic graphics technology to show another player’s skeleton and visual effects on the interface. Users can use the browser to play online music improvisation without installing plug-ins and applications. The tutorial further consists of three functionalities, including interface introduction, impromptu style, and starting a tempo. The purpose of the tutorial is to let users understand the way of operating the interface step by step, and to let users practice music improvisation with online interaction. To evaluate the usability of the proposed system, the Jakob Nielsen questionnaire (System Usability Scale, SUS) has been used in this study. The results showed that most of the users had self-confidence to operate the system and thought that the system was easy to use.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
