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張郁袖; Chang, Yu-hisu 劉明秋; Ming-Chiou Liou; 諮商與輔導學系碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 張郁袖; Chang, Yu-hisu
  • 劉明秋; Ming-Chiou Liou; 諮商與輔導學系碩士班
  • 主題: 生涯願景; 單親婦女; 都市原住民; vision; single mother; urban aboriginal people
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討大台南地區之都市原住民單親婦女在遭逢單親事件後所遭遇到的困境及因應方式,進而了解她們生涯發展的改變及克服困境後擘畫的生涯願景。本研究之取向為敘說研究,透過訪談蒐集資料,而後以「整體—內容」分析法進行資料分析。 本研究所得之研究結論如下:一、關於都市裡的原住民 當代原住民之力量正逐漸被看見,無須過於強調悲情的景況。在時代潮流下的都市原住民婦女,受傳統原民文化影響較少、單親前對於個人婚姻自主性較過去的原住民婦女更高。二、都市原住民單親婦女的生涯,困境及其願景(一)都市原住民婦女單親前的生涯受山地平地化與經建發展時代的潮流影響,生存背景裡文化中的性別角色期許亦相當重要。(二)假性單親是時代潮流下的家庭新型態,也值得關注。當都市原住民婦女成為單親後,家庭與工作間的平衡是她們必須面對的議題,子女因素及自我效能會影響單親原住民婦女之擇業,她們也會「有限度地」接受原生家庭的支援。即使經濟狀況較不豐裕,亦不視為苦處。此外,現代的都市原住民單親婦女懂得善用法律資源保障自己的權益。她們必須思考的議題尚有「如何拿捏對子女的愛」,面對個人的心理寂寞,都市原住民單親婦女將此視為重新連結友伴的契機,並透過信仰使心靈安定。(三)都市生活經驗使她們在主流社會中開拓了眼界,原鄉生活中,原生家庭教育則影響了她們的價值觀,原住民傳統精神亦影響單親後的個人生涯思考。此為兩大影響都市原住民婦女單親後生涯願景之要素。在克服困境後,她們的人生便重新開始,更勇於追尋人生目標、勇敢做自己。 本研究依上述之研究發現與結論,進一步對未來相關研究與實務工作提出建議。
    The purpose of this study is to explore the career barriers and the coping methods after urban aboriginal mothers in Tainan became single. This study also sought to find out change of career development and prospect after they coped with troubles. According to narrative research approach, the data was collected by conducting in-depth interviews and was analyzed in “Holistic-Content” perspective.The findings are listed as below:1. About urban aboriginal people: Avoid prejudice against sadness of aboriginal people, in fact, they have vigorous vitality. The modern urban aboriginal single mothers are less susceptible to the influence of traditional culture. Their autonomy of marriage is higher than before.2. Career of urban aboriginal single mother, the trouble they experienced, and their vision: Before their marriage, recognition of modern aboriginal woman are affected by policy and economic development nowadays. The gender role expectation also plays an important part. Pseudo single-family is a new kind of family. The issue of this kind of family is worth studying a little further. The balance between family and work is a big issue they need to face to. The reasons of urban aboriginal single mothers to choose their jobs are children and self-efficacy. They just accept assistance from their family-of-origin advisably, and calmly live a simple life. The modern urban aboriginal single mothers can use the law to protect their rights. When modern urban aboriginal became single, they raise their children by applying their knowledge. Although they feel lonely, they just try to find ways to contact their friends. They also seek spiritual stability by focusing on Christianity.3. The factors affect the vision of urban aboriginal women after they became single: Having a living experience in urban, aboriginal single mothers can broaden their horizons and make their mind strong in mainstream society. In addition, life experiences in tribe are meaningful for single-parent life. The influence of family education on urban aboriginal single mothers’ values is important. The spirit of traditional aboriginal people affects their thinking of the career after they became single. After urban aboriginal single mothers coped with difficulties, they braved to plan for their future. Finally, they can start a brand new life. According to the research findings, some suggestions will be provided for future researchers and counselors.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
