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黃浩瑋; Huang, Hao-wei 吳宗憲; none; 行政管理學系碩士班 2012


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 黃浩瑋; Huang, Hao-wei
  • 吳宗憲; none; 行政管理學系碩士班
  • 主題: 物質誘因; 團隊關係; 公共服務動機; 組織承諾; 工作投入; organizational commitment; public service motivation; job involvement; team relationship; material inducement
  • 描述: 當前政府面臨財政短缺、專業能力侷促的窘境下,為能有效提供公共服務與加強公共建設,於西元2000年公布施行「促進民間參與公共建設法」,為我國民間參與公共建設奠下法律基礎。然而,雖促參政策立意良善,但弊案爭議造成民眾對促參案承辦人員的不信任,且承辦人員亦因業務繁雜與遭受大眾誤解之雙重壓力,常產生消極抵抗或離職的念頭,故如何提高承辦人員的組織承諾與工作投入是重要的課題。爰此,政府決定以「物質誘因」方式,包含績效獎金與記功嘉獎,激勵公務人員積極投入促參業務,並提高其組織承諾與工作投入。然而,增強文官行為動機之理論顯示,除了「物質誘因」外,「團隊關係」以及「公共服務動機」甚至更常被視為影響公務人員行為的重要動機。然而,在實務政策研究中,此三種動機對公務人員行為之影響效果,尚未有研究證實,故本研究希望能探討此三種動機對承辦人員的組織承諾、工作投入之影響。本研究以問卷調查方式,針對承辦促參業務之公務人員進行調查,目的係欲了解「物質誘因」、「團隊關係」與「公共服務動機」對組織承諾與工作投入之影響,並且以個人的背景變項(年齡、收入、工作資歷)作為控制變項。研究發現,「物質誘因」、「團隊關係」與「公共服務動機」對組織承諾有正相關,而物質誘因的影響程度最大;「物質誘因」、「團隊關係」與「公共服務動機」對工作投入有正相關,而公共服務動機的影響程度最大。顯示內外在誘因對於承辦人員皆產生激勵效果。依據本研究發現,進一步提出政策建議,希望能提供政府未來推動促進民間參與公共建設時,有效增強承辦人員組織承諾與工作投入之參考。
    Nowadays, Taiwan government is lacking finance support and sufficiently professional capability. In order to provide public service effectively, government has legislated the law of Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects(PPP) in 2000, making private invest and building Infrastructure legally. However, many “Promotion of Private Participation” cases are controversial, and the mass media vigorously report. Because of negative news, these cases are losing public confidence. PPP affairs are so complex and misunderstood by public that the public servants dealing with PPP resist working hard and want to qu their job. Therefore, Government used reward to encourage civil servants dealing with PPP, increasing their organizational commitment and job involvement. However, except for “material inducement”, research indicates “team relationship” and “public service motivation” also can effect behavioral motivation. This study will investigate the relationship of three motivation, organizational commitment and job involvement.This research employed a questionnaire survey on civil servants participating in Promote Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects. This study investigates the relationship among material inducement, team relationship, public service motivation , organizational commitment and job involvement. This research found that:(1)Material inducement, team relationship, public service motivation had significant positive influence on organizational commitment.(2)Material inducement, team relationship, public service motivation had significant positive influence on job involvement.According to the research findings, we could find that civil servants be affected by intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards. We proposed some suggestions to government, for the sake of effectively management of human resources.
  • 建立日期: 2012
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
