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黃靜茹; Huang, Ching-ju 侯志正; Chih-cheng Hou; 音樂學系碩士班 2012


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 黃靜茹; Huang, Ching-ju
  • 侯志正; Chih-cheng Hou; 音樂學系碩士班
  • 主題: 鋼琴小品; 浪漫時期; piano pieces; Romantic period
  • 描述: 約翰尼斯‧布拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms, 1833-1897)為十九世紀浪漫時期的代表性人物。在同一時期多數音樂家強調個人主義色彩的年代裡,布拉姆斯的創作同時兼具自由奔放與壓抑的特質,試圖將古典與浪漫主義相互融合,因而形成一股當代新風潮。此特質與他早期研讀巴赫與貝多芬的作品息息相關,因此造就出其作品頗具濃厚的古典主義氣息。 布拉姆斯對自己要求甚高,他認為非完美作品則無法問世。早期鋼琴作品受貝多芬影響甚深,因此作曲形式多以奏鳴曲式為主。中期大多使用單一旋律主題進行變奏,多變的變奏手法更足以印證當時他面對情感上的激情與煎熬。晚期的布拉姆斯認為他的鋼琴技巧在變奏曲上已達極限,因此捨棄內容厚重的音樂,轉而走向淡薄素雅且結構短小的鋼琴小品型態。 本研究主要為探討布拉姆斯之晚期鋼琴作品《四首鋼琴小品,作品一一九》(Four Piano Pieces, Op. 119)。此作品完成於一八九二年,同時也是布拉姆斯晚期最後一首鋼琴小品。本研究藉由文獻了解布拉姆斯之生平,進而探討其作品風格,再深入剖析本作品之樂曲架構,包含和聲、曲式、轉調與旋律等。除了文獻資料整理與樂曲分析以外,筆者採用兩位著名鋼琴演奏家之有聲資料版本作一比較,期望能更貼近布拉姆斯的音樂思想,對此作品能得到更深層的詮釋與想法,並提供日後研究者或演奏者之參考。
    Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) is one the most representative composers of the Romanticism in 19th century. His music shows strong influences of music styles of J.S. Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven, and somehow he combines the Classical styles with Romanticism, which distinguishes him from other composers of his time who tended to exploited individualism in their music.In the early pianos works of Brahms, he often wrote in sonata form, which indicates the influence of Beethoven. Many compositions from his second period were in theme and variation form, and late works tended to be with simplicity in texture and style, as in his piano solo pieces.This thesis studies late piano works of Brahms, 《Four Piano Pieces, Op.119》, which were completed in 1892. Exploration of his life and music styles were included, and the main focus is on the analysis of these four piano piece from Op. 119, including harmonic vocabulary, formal structure, modulatory techniques, melody, and so on. A comparison of two recordings by Stephen Kovacevich and Murray Perahia are also offered. The research results are to provide practical information and suggestions for performers, researchers, and students.
  • 建立日期: 2012
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
