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江時; Chiang, Shih 林登順; Deng-shun Lin; 國語文學系碩士班 2012


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 江時; Chiang, Shih
  • 林登順; Deng-shun Lin; 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 範文形式; 字詞句; 文體; 篇章結構; 修辭; model essay form; word expression; writing style; discourse structure; rhetorical form
  • 描述: 本論文旨在分析上海教育出版社出版之語文科課文形式,研究範圍上海教育出版社出版之一、二年級語文科課文。採用內容分析法分析,並且對於字詞句、文體、篇章結構及修辭做統計整理及歸納分析。研究結果如下: 在漢語拼音方面,上海教材將漢語拼音的教學融入於第一冊,由26首學生兒歌帶入漢語拼音的教學,此單元學了132個字。在生字教學方面,上海版二年識字量為1645個字。在詞語方面,上海市教材中一年級465個,二年級670個,共學了1135個詞語。在句型方面,一年級第一學期只有五種句型,第二學期的句型總量突然增加五倍之多,以連貫句最多,其次為並列句;到了二年級第二個學期幾乎囊括了全部句型。 在文體方面,上海市中小學教材一年級的文體以詩歌最多,二年級教材則為記敘文最多。在篇章結構方面,以敘述文最多,說明文次多。在修辭方面,將修辭方式分成「表意方法的調整」以及「優美形式的設計」兩大類,在分析的156課文中,共出現16種修辭方式。
    The purpose of this study is to analysis the language forms of contents which is from Shanghai Education Publisher. The research range is focus on the first and second grade. It applied the content analysis which was focus on word expression, rhetorical form, the structure of paragraphs to do the statistical processing and analysis. The following are the results of research:In Hanyu Pinyin, the text books from Shanghai fit Hanyu Pinyin into the Book One. “To do the words and Hanyu Pinyin by reading children’s songs” which is led to Hanyu Pinyin teaching with 26 children’s songs, this unit will have learned 132 words. In vocabulary teaching, the students will learn 1645 words with Shanghai edition. In expressions of words, the teaching materials in Shanghai for the first grade have 465, the second grade has 670 and the total has 1135 words. In sentence patterns, the first grade in the first semester only has 5 sentence patterns, but the sentences patterns in second semester increases five times more than the first semester, especially coherent sentences which follow by compound sentences. The second grade includes most of the sentence patterns. In terms of style, the teaching material for the first grade in Shanghai is focus on poetry the most; the second grade is focus on narration. In the structure of paragraph, narration has the most; the following is exposition; descriptive prose has the least. In rhetoric, the rhetoric divides into “the judgement of ideographic” and “the design of beautiful form”. In 156 text analysis has 16 types of rhetoric.
  • 建立日期: 2012
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
