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李昱瑱; Li, Yu-zhen 林登順; none; 國語文學系碩士班 2012


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 李昱瑱; Li, Yu-zhen
  • 林登順; none; 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 篇章結構; 文體; 範文形式; 修辭; 字詞句; model essay form; writing style; discourse structure; rhetoric form; word expression
  • 描述: 本研究旨在分析上海市國小語文科課文的形式包含文體、篇章結構、修辭以及字詞句。研究範圍為上海教育出版社出版之三、四年級語文科課文,本研究採用內容分析法分析,研究結果如下: 識字方面,一至三年級的識字量(生字量)總數量為2332個字,上海識字量比台灣康軒版、翰林版、南一版多出1000個字左右。課文文字總量為91359個字,比臺灣三大版本多出三倍左右。課文文字平均量,上海的571個字,比臺灣三大版本多出100個字左右。 三、四年級所學的新詞部分以實詞為主,其中以動詞數量425個最多,其次為名詞和形容詞;虛詞以副詞最多。課文中複句句型出現次數較多之前三種分別為:連貫句、並列句、轉折句,選擇句出現最少。 在文類方面,以散文形式之一般散文類的課文出現最多,戲劇形式在分析的課文中未曾出現,文體出現最多的是敘述文,共有90課。 篇章結構分成五大類型,其中以敘述文最多,共有91課,其次為描寫文18課、說明文11課、複合文7課,最少的是議論文,只有1課。 修辭部分,「表意方法的調整」及「優美形式的設計」兩者皆有出現,以前者較多。出現次數較多的前三者分別是類疊、設問、對偶三種,出現次數較少者分別為借代、回文、雙關、倒裝,僅出現在四年級。
    This study aims at analyzing Chinese lesson containing stylistic, rhetoric, discourse structure and words expression in Shanghai City Elementary School. Study range includes language texts of grade3 and grade4 published by Shanghai Education Publishing House. The study uses content analysis method. The result is as follows: In the part of literacy, the literacy from grade1 to grade3 amounts to 2,332 words. The literacy in Shanghai is 1000 words more than Kang Hsuan, Hanlin, South Edition in Taiwan. The text character amounts to 91,359 which are three times more than Taiwan’s edition. In the part of text character, on the average, Shanghai has 571 words which are 100 words more than Taiwan’s edition. Most new words learned in the grade3 and grade4 are notional words. The largest number of notional words is verb. Followed by the number of times are the noun and the adjective. In the funtion words,the largest number of words is the adverb. The top 3 of the complex sentence patterns went to coherent sentence, compound sentence, and transition sentence. The select sentence appeared the least. In terms of genre, the prose form appears the most times. The form of drama never shows up in the text. There are 90 lessons appearing in the form of narrative. Chapter structure is divided into five major types . Narrative appears the most which contains 91 chapters and the second is describing writing which contains 18 chapters. The exposition contains 11 chapters and the composite article has 7 chapters. The least is the argumentative writing which contains only one chapter. In the part of rhetoric, “ the adjustment of expressive meaning method ” and “ the designation of graceful style method” both appear but the former is more than latter. The top three of rhetoric item appeared are repetition, inquiring, and symmetry . The replacement ,palindrome, punning, and inversion appear less and only appear in the grade 4.
  • 建立日期: 2012
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
