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海外專業志工服:以雅加達臺灣國際學校成長營為例International Volunteerism Based on Professional Service: Summer Camps at Jakarta Taiwan International School

危芷芬(通訊作者)Chih-Fen Wei ; 林蔚芳 Wei-Fung Lin

Kèchéng yánjiū, 2012-09, Vol.7 (2), p.85-114 [Peer Reviewed Journal]

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  • Title:
    海外專業志工服:以雅加達臺灣國際學校成長營為例International Volunteerism Based on Professional Service: Summer Camps at Jakarta Taiwan International School
  • Author: 危芷芬(通訊作者)Chih-Fen Wei ; 林蔚芳 Wei-Fung Lin
  • Subjects: 多元文化諮商 ; 志工服 ; 自我認同 ; 融入課程
  • Is Part Of: Kèchéng yánjiū, 2012-09, Vol.7 (2), p.85-114
  • Description: 多元文化諮商(multicultural counseling)是近年來諮商專業領域中最重要的議題之一(Sue & Sue, 2003),甚至被視為是心學的第四勢力(Pedersen, 1991)。海外專業志工服不僅可踐專業於志工服,亦能培育具備多元文化諮商能力的專業助人工作者。本研究以臺北市立教育大學心諮商學系的海外專業志工課程方案為例,說明課程方案發展的歷程並分析此課程方案如何提升志工的國際視野公民責任感。臺北市立教育大學心諮商學系師生於2010年及2011年兩度前往雅加達臺灣國際學校,舉行EQ心成長營及生涯成長營。課程設計除了符合學校定位教育學院願景之外,也期能培養學生具備團隊合作精神、創新思考、心專業倫思辨踐、文化尊重社會關懷之基本素養。海外志工服大四專業習課程結合,融合、心教育測驗、諮商技術、團體、諮商技巧、生涯發展等課程,其成效包括:一、增進志工服學生對於跨文化諮商的專業意識;二、增進志工服學生對情緒教育、生涯規劃及生命教育的瞭解;三、增進學生設計、帶領營隊及跨文化服的能力;四、開拓學生之國際視野,培養世界公民責任感;五、增進學生獨立能力熱忱。最後,本研究提出對於未來海外專業志工服之建議包括:提供海外學校資源、積極鼓勵國內外專業心衛生服及增加大學生海外服機會。Multicultural counseling is regarded as one of the most important issues in counseling (Sue & Sue, 2003). It’s even called the fourth force in psychology (Pedersen, 1991). The international volunteerism not only put profession into practice, but also paved the road for training of multicultural counseling. EQ camp and career camp for elementary and high school students of Jarkata Taiwan International School were designed and administered on 2010 and 2011 summer by the staff and undergraduates of Department of psychology and counseling of TMUE. The course of summer camps not only corresponds to the orientation and vision of the university and dean of education, but also based on the literacy of the department. The design of summer camps composed of several professional courses, such as “Principle and Practice of Guidance”, “Measurement in Psychology and Education”, “Theories and Techniques of Counseling”, “Group Guidance”, “Counseling Techniques”, and “Career Development and Guidance”. The international volunteerism provide an excellent opportunities for undergraduates to enhance multicultural-counseling awareness, understandings of emotional and life education, global perspective, and independence. In conclusion, international volunteerism based on professional service benefits both volunteers and recipients.
  • Publisher: Higher Education Foundation
  • Language: English
  • Identifier: ISSN: 1816-5338
    EISSN: 2410-3322
    DOI: 10.3966/181653382012090702004
  • Source: Publicly Available Content Database
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