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Journal of Education Research (Print), 2013-09, p.037-048


引用 被引用
  • 題名:
  • 著者: 葉錫南
  • 主題: AB分版適性; adaptive learning ; differentiated instruction ; learner-centeredness ; 習者為中心 ;
  • 所屬期刊: Journal of Education Research (Print), 2013-09, p.037-048
  • 描述: 十二年國實施在即,針對未來班級內生程度參可能加劇的問題,育部提出「」以為因應。本文旨在探討的內涵及其對國內英語之意義,比較分析與現行九九課綱的英文科課程綱要所提之「AB分版適性習」,並指出兩者的共通性。此外,本文檢視國內部分英語師對的四項迷思,並提出九項可資運用的實施策略,以期中小英語文師在實施時,能夠更為落實、更具成效
    It has been anticipated that without the screening of the entrance exams, students taking the K-12 Curriculum might display a greater variability in their readiness to learn. In response to this potential problem, the MOE has proposed the approach of differentiated instruction for all subjects. This study aims to examine the nature of differentiated instruction, and connects this approach to the adaptive instruction in Senior High School Curriculum for English, enacted in 2010, in Taiwan. Discussions are made to address four common myths held by local English teachers regarding differentiated instruction. Nine strategies are proposed for teachers' consideration in their implementation of differentiated instruction in an English class
  • 出版者: 台灣: 高等育文事業有限公司
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號: ISSN: 1680-6360
  • 資源來源: Alma/SFX Local Collection
