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台灣教育, 2015-08 (694), p.002-006


引用 被引用
  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳伯璋
  • 主題: education reform ; food education ; food education act ; 教育改革 ; 食育 ; 食育基本法
  • 所屬期刊: 台灣教育, 2015-08 (694), p.002-006
  • 描述: 近年來食安風暴及其對國民健康的影響,普遍引起各界關切,無論是公部門、民間團體、中央與地方,及新聞媒體,難得有共識,皆期盼積極推動「食育」以促進國民身心健康,其在教育界也同時獲得廣大迴響。「食育」推動可說牽涉面甚廣,宜有全面性、系統性的規劃,它應有立法的支持,政策的擬訂及各級單位執行與整體配合,才能有效達成預期目標。本文乃就推動食育提出五大策略—「積極催生《食育基本法》」、「建置《食育推動會》」、「成立民間《食育推動聯盟》」、「推動以《學校為本位》的食育課程與教學」以及「結合家長會需要與社區特性,發展具地方特色的食育」,期能貫徹實施「食育」,以落實其目標。最後,本文則以推動「食育」的啓示,對當前「教育改革」加以反思,並提出可能發展的方向
    The problems of food production and food security have been emerged seriously due to their impact on the health of all citizens. People from the public and private sectors, together with the mass media are very unusually joined together, endeavoring to put "food education" into practice.There are many factors that might influence the practice of food education, such as legitimacy of law, policy making and executive supplements, all of which must be taken into proper consideration. There are five strategies to be proposed in this paper. 1. Promoting "Food Education Act" legislation. 2. Founding "Food Education Council" in central as well as local governments 3. Setting up "Civic Food Education A
  • 出版者: 台灣: 台灣省教育會
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號: ISSN: 1816-6482
  • 資源來源: Airiti Library
