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周菁菁; Chou, Ching-ching 林進材; Chin-Tsai Lin; 教育學系課程與教學澎湖碩士班 2012


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 周菁菁; Chou, Ching-ching
  • 林進材; Chin-Tsai Lin; 教育學系課程與教學澎湖碩士班
  • 主題: 行動研究; 班級經營策略; 班級經營; classroom management strategy; classroom management
  • 描述: 本研究旨在藉由教師班級經營現況的運用歷程,發展澎湖縣教師可行的班級經營策略,以營造良好的學習情境,冀能提昇教師的班級經營能力,以充實教師的專業知能。本研究以研究者擔任導師的班級學生為研究對象,進行為期一年之行動研究。透過現場觀察、錄影與錄音記錄、研究反省日誌、軼事紀錄、學生與家長文件、訪談記錄方式,以及由學生填寫一份及家長填寫一份的兩份回饋單,瞭解班級經營策略運用情形。本研究提出下列幾點結論:1.行政經營策略方面:訂定完善的班級經營計劃、設計詳細的班級行事曆、有效運用班級自治幹部、建立班級檔案資料並且妥善運用。2.教學經營策略方面:教學活動前應作妥善的準備、教學活動的實施應活潑多元、運用教學評量改進教學品質。3.常規經營策略方面:共同訂定班級常規並加以運用、利用適當的時機教導班級常規、常規之執行與維繫應該要明確、適時處理學生不當行為。4.環境經營策略方面:座位安排以所有學生都能面對面為主、依據學習需要營造物理環境、建立明確的內務處理程序、透過作品展示提升學生的學習興趣四部分。5.人際關係經營策略方面:以同理心尊重關懷學生、正向積極的人生觀引導、培養受喜愛的人格特質及吸引力、處理學生問題應考量個別差異。 6.親師關係經營策略方面:建立親師雙向溝通的管道、善用家長資源以促進親師合作、舉辦親師懇談會有效的溝通、建立和諧的親師關係。
    Through action, this research aimed to develop workable, effective and efficient classroom management strategies suitable for Penghu and thus create a win-win situation for both students and teachers. This study lasted for one year and was conducted to an elementary school class where the researcher herself served as the homeroom teacher. Research data were gathered by means of observation, video and audio recording, journal of reflection, note-keeping, documented letters to students and from parents, interviews, and two questionnaires for students and parents, respectively. The findings are as follows:1. Class administration: The teacher should make a thorough classroom management plan, design a clearly readable class schedule, set up a well-accepted class autonomy system, and keep a detailed class portfolio.2. Instruction: To ensure quality teaching, the teacher should prepare well before each class, perform well during each class, and use proper evaluation tools to assess teaching/learning effect after each session of instruction.3. Classroom regulations: The teacher should set up classroom regulations, make the rules clear at proper times using real examples, make sure that the rules are kept as expected, and give effective consequences for misbehavior.4. Classroom environment arrangement: The seats should be arranged in a way that group members can see each other face to face, and the classroom environment should be settled in favor of students’ learning, cleaning and tidying up, display of works of art, as well as motivation.5. Students’ people skill development: The teacher should show empathy for students, guide students toward a positive view of life, help students cultivate positive personalities, adjust teaching method to match students’ learning status, and accept students’ individual differences unconditionally.6. Teacher-parent relationship management: The teacher should build up channels for mutual communication, make good use of parents’ resources, promote teacher-parent cooperation, and host parent days.
  • 建立日期: 2012
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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