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翁淑華; Weng, Shu-hua 劉世鈞; Shyh-Jiun Liu; 材料科學系自然科學教育碩士班 2008


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 翁淑華; Weng, Shu-hua
  • 劉世鈞; Shyh-Jiun Liu; 材料科學系自然科學教育碩士班
  • 主題: 安全教育; 九年一貫; 日常生活器皿; daily-life appliance; safety education; nine-year integrated curriculum
  • 描述: 事故傷害高居十四歲以下兒童十大死因之首。事故的發生不一定是在特別危險的場所,反而是兒童每天生活的居家、學校環境最容易發生意外,其實所有意外傷害都可預知和預防,只要透過宣導、教育及早注意、事先採取必要的措施,即使發生事故,孩子也不至於嚴重受傷。本研究的目的旨在探討南部地區國小四至六年級學童安全妥善的使用日常生活中的器具之知識。依不同背景變項統計變數對其進行差異的分析。描述分析南部地區國小四至六年級學童安全妥善的使用日常生活中的器具之知識。本研究以台南縣市與高雄縣市國民小學四至六年級學生為受試對象,共發放試卷1096份。所得資料經描述性統計、獨立樣本、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及事後檢定等統計方法分析資料,得到結果歸納如下ㄧ、南部地區國小四至六年級學生安全妥善使用日常生活器皿之知識答對率有76.62%,可以說具有一定的水準。 二、 研究發現全體受試學童以「遊戲器材的使用」表現最好,「燃燒器具的使用」表現最差;這表示學童對其熟悉的事物、經常使用的物品,比較能了解其安全使用的方式。三 、 不同學校背景(縣市別及規模大小)的南部地區國小四至六年級學生其整體表現,並無顯著的差異;顯示在安全教育上的宣導學習上並沒有因城鄉差距而有所差異。四、南部地區國小四至六年級學生所具備之安全妥善使用日常生活器皿之知識比實際操作能力強;這說明了「從做中學」的重要性,應該讓孩子從實際的操作中去學習並了解安全的必要性,進而培養其安全行為及態度。最後根據研究結果,分別對實務工作上及後續研究者提出實務或理論研究上的建議作為參考。
    Accidental injury occupies top of the main causes of death of pupils under the age of fourteen. The occurrence of accidents is not always at dangerous locations, but possibly at the pupils’ household and schools. In fact accidental injury is predictable and preventive by means of propaganda, education and carefulness. Thus, even if the accidents occur, pupils won’t get hurt seriously. The purpose of this study is to investigate the grade 4-6 pupils’ knowledge about the safe and proper usage of daily-life appliance. Pupils’ different backgrounds were examined to explore the differences between grade 4-6 pupils’ knowledge of using daily-life appliance. Based on the findings of the study, suggestions are provided. The subjects for the study were the grader 4-6 pupils at elementary schools at both Tainan and Kaohsiung areas. One thousand and ninety-six questionnaires were distributed and collected. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test, One-way ANOVA and post-hoc comparison were used to analyze the data yielded from the questionnaires. The major findings were summarized as follows:(1) About 76.62% pupils at elementary schools in southern Taiwan scored correctly on the knowledge test on the proper and safe usage of daily-life appliance.(2) The result of the study shows:performance on the knowledge test of the usage of the playing appliance was good. Performance on the knowledge test of the usage of the flaming appliance was not good enough.(3) The grade 4-6 pupils’ knowledge about the proper and safe usage of daily-life appliance varied significantly with their individual background and family background;did not vary significantly with different school background (4) (4) The grade 4-6 pupils’ knowledge is better than operation ability about the proper and safe usage of daily-life appliance in elementary schools in southern Taiwan. It explains the importance about “ Learning by doing”. Learning and realizing necessity about safety from actual operation , then developing safe behavior and attitude is suggested.Finally, based on the findings of the study, suggestions and implementations for education administrations, schools, parents, teachers and further studies are provided.
  • 建立日期: 2008
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
