

  • 著者: 廖純瑩; Liao, Chun-ying
  • 張清榮; Ching-Jung Chang; 國語文學系國語文教學碩士班
  • 主題: 民間童話; 「兩兄弟」型; ; 葉限; 民間故事; 灰姑娘; Ye-Xian; Pang-Yi; Cinderella; folktales; folk fairy tale; two-brother type
  • 描述: 「兩兄弟」型民間童話是中國流傳最廣,數量最多的民間故事,一般皆以同胞兄弟和同父異母兄弟為主。本論文推而廣之,除了以兩兄弟為主之外,還擴及兩姊妹、妯娌連襟、出繼與結拜的異姓兄弟、朋友等兩個人的同儕倫常關係,因而其內容也更加紛繁多采。研究內容分成九章簡述如下:第壹章 緒論:闡述研究動機目的、文獻探討、研究方法步驟及研究範圍限制。文獻探討以「民間文學」、「中國民間故事類型」、「民間童話」及「兒童文學」的論著為主。第貳章 民間童話概說:先探討民間童話的「界定」,再談論童話與民間童話的分類,分別討論古典童話與創作童話,並比較之。最後找出民間童話的五大質素:主題意涵、情節結構、角色形象、寶物作法及奇幻趣味。第參章 廣義「兩兄弟」型的民間童話:首先探討廣義「兩兄弟」型童話的原型〈旁�D〉及其變型〈葉限〉(灰姑娘)並比較其異同。其次研究廣義「兩兄弟」之相關類型。第肆章 《中國民間故事全集》中廣義「兩兄弟」型民間童話分類:以「兄弟」和睦、「兄弟」不睦及其他相關等三類,對廣義「兩兄弟」型民間童話加以分析探討。第伍章 廣義「兩兄弟」型民間童話的主題意涵:以「刻畫人性」、「倫理道德」、「社會意識」等三類,對廣義「兩兄弟」型民間童話加以分析探討。第陸章 廣義「兩兄弟」型民間童話的情節結構:以「平鋪直敘」、「重複進行」、「難題考驗」、「強力介入」、「禁忌安排」及「連環安排」等六種情節結構,對廣義「兩兄弟」型民間童話加以分析探討。第柒章 廣義「兩兄弟」型民間童話的角色分析:以「常人」、「擬人」、「超人」、「幻化之人」及「精怪」等五種角色形象,對廣義「兩兄弟」型民間童話加以分析探討。第捌章 廣義「兩兄弟」型民間童話的幻想成分:以「魔法」、「寶物」、「奇幻」、「趣味」等四項成分,對廣義「兩兄弟」型民間童話加以分析探討。第玖章 結論:總括廣義「兩兄弟」型民間童話的特色,並以其所產生的價值為總結。
    The two-brother type folk fairy tales are the most popular and widely-spread ones in Chinese folktales. The two-brother relationship mentioned in this thesis mostly refers to blood brothers or half-brothers. To enhance and enrich the content , this study , however , will further discuss other relationships, such as the relationship between two sisters, sister/brother- in-law, sworn brothers with different surnames and friends as well. There are nine chapters in the thesis.Chapter one─Introduction of the purpose, research approach and procedures, and the constraints of this study. The relevant literature review includes folk literature, Chinese folktales, fairy tales and children’s literature.Chapter two─Brief introduction of folk fairy tales, their definition, categories, and the comparison between legendary folktales and modern ones. In addition, five essential elements and techniques of folk fairy tales are discussed: motifs and themes, plot and structure, characters, magic treasure, and fantasy.Chapter three─This chapter first analyzes and discusses the archetype of the broad two-brother folk fairy tale, “Pang-Yi”, and then compares it with the adapted edition of “Ye-Xian”(Cinderella). Studies on other relevant types are reviewed as well. Chapter four─Analyses and discussions on different categories of the broad two-brother folk fairy tales in “The Complete Chinese Folktales”, using “harmonious vs. conflicting” brotherhood as an example. Chapter five─Three motifs of the broad two-brother folk fairy tales are analyzed: human nature, morality and ethics, and social consciousness. Chapter six─Six structures of the broad two-brother folk fairy tales are discussed: plain description, recurrent events, dilemma and conflicts, interference by forces, arrangement of taboos and connections. Chapter seven─This chapter analyzes and discusses the characters in the broad two-brother folk fairy tales from five perspectives: the ordinary human, anthropopathism, the super and the metamorphic human and finally, the fairies/monsters. Chapter eight─Four aspects of the illusionary elements of the broad two-brother folk fairy tales are analyzed and discussed: magic, treasure, fantasy, and fun. Chapter nine─This chapter concludes the features of the broad two-brother folk fairy tales and ends with its cultural values.
  • 建立日期: 2006
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號: http://nutnr.lib.nutn.edu.tw/handle/987654321/4198
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR